| | |
 | Brook des Cèdres between its mouth on Rivière du Lièvre and high-voltage the electricity energy transmission line situated roughly 300 metres from its mouth (46°05'49" N., 75°37'57" O., Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus).  |
 | Brook Flood between Grand lac Du Cerf and Petit lac Flood (Municipalities of Lac-du-Cerf and Kiamika). |
 | Brook Jourdain between the Highway 117 bridge and Grand lac Nominingue (Municipalities of Nominingue and Rivière-Rouge). |
 | Brook Lefebvre (Municipality of Lac-du-Cerf) between lakes Lefebvre and Grand lac du Cerf (46°18'40" N., 75°28'30" W.). |
 | Brook nameless (Petit ruisseau des Cèdres) between its source in the Grand lac des Cèdres and its mouth in the Petit lac des Cèdres (Messines Municipality). |
 | Brook Penniseault between its confluence with rivière Des Outaouais and the first fall located about 700 m upstream (Municipality of Rapides-des-Joachims). |
 | Brook Petit ruisseau de l'Argile between its mouth and Thomas Road South (Municipality of Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette). |
 | Brook Serpent (Bigelow and Wells townships) from its mouth on rivière du Lièvre to the pillars of the old bridge located approximately 300 meters from that mouth (46°05'09" N., 75°37'02" W., Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus).  |
 | Brook unnamed (Post Creek) That part between its mouth with Gatineau River corresponding to a straight line joining the points 46°15'12" N., 75°55'35" W. and 46°15'12" N., 75°55'37" W. and its mouth with Grand lac Rond corresponding to a straight line joining the points 46°15'03" N., 75°55'14" W. and 46°15'00" N., 75°55'14" W. |
 | Brook unnamed between lac à la Truite and its mouth into the rivière Des Outaouais, including lakes Manny and Downey as well as their tributaries (Municipality of Sheenboro). |
 | Brook unnamed between lakes des Trois Montagnes (Simon) and Boisseau (municipalité de la Conception). |
 | Lake à la Barbue (46°03'38" N., 75°54'09" W., Municipality of Gracefield)  |
 | Lake à la Croix (45°51'20" N., 74°48'34" W.,Municipalities of Boileau and Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours) |
 | Lake à la Garlette (45°56'56" N., 75°50'49" O., Municipality of Lac-Sainte-Marie)  |
 | Lake à la Loutre (45°59'43" N., 74°39'15" O., Municipalité d'Huberdeau). |
 | Lake à la Truite (Municipalité de Lac-Nilgaut)(46°14'33" N., 76°55'28" O.). |
 | Lake à la Truite (Municipalities of Gracefield and Notre-Dame-du-Laus)(46°05'20" N., 75°45'37" W.). |
 | Lake Ambroise (46°19'12" N., 75°46'23" O., Municipalité de Déléage)  |
 | Lake au Foin (Municipalités de Notre-Dame-du-Laus et Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain) (46°10'51" N., 75°43'55" O.)  |
 | Lake aux Castors - (Municipalité de La Minerve)(46°11'54" N., 75°02'51" W.). |
 | Lake aux Vers (46°09'05" N., 77°08'38" O., Municipalité de Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Babiche (Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain) (46°15'28" N., 75°42'46" W.)  |
 | Lake Barnes (45°44'55" N., 76°20'37" O., Municipalité de Thorne) |
 | Lake Bell (46°03'38" N., 76°37'50" W., Municipalities of Mansfield-et-Pontefract and Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Bellemare (45°51'01" N., 76°28'37" W., Municipalité d'Otter Lake) |
 | Lake Bigelow (Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus) (46°03'45" N.,75°38'57" W.) |
 | Lake Bisson (municipality Kiamika) the lake as well as the part between its spillway and a point 500 m downstream towards lac Francois.  |
 | Lake Bitobi (46°06'13" N., 75°56'48" W., Municipality of Gracefield) |
 | Lake Blais (45°56'03" N., 75°10'05" W.,Municipalities of Montpellier and Lac-Simon) |
 | Lake Blue Sea (46°13'26" N., 76°03'18" W.,Municipalités de Blue Sea et Messines) |
 | Lake Boisseau - (Municipalité de La Conception)(46°10'52" N., 74°49'05" O.) |
 | Lake Bonin (45°40'11" N., 75°41'47" W., Municipalité de Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake Boutin (46°16'42" N., 76°05'26" W., Municipality of Messines)  |
 | Lake Britannique (45°45'08" N., 75°15'37" W., Municipalité de Mulgrave-et-Derry) |
 | Lake Butler (46°15'01" N., 75°37'02" O.)(Municipalités de Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain)  |
 | Lake Cameron - (Municipalité de Amherst)(46°06'44" N., 74°49'41" O.) |
 | Lake Cameron (Municipalité de Low)(45°46'15" N., 76°06'50" O.) |
 | Lake Campion (Municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Laus) (46°07'32" N., 75°38'54" W.)  |
 | Lake Cayamant (46°06'23" N., 76°16'38" W.,Municipality of Cayamant) |
 | Lake Chapleau (Municipality of La Minerve)(46°13'37" N., 74°56'56" W.). |
 | Lake Clair (45°44'12" N., 75°48'04" W., Municipality of Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake Cole Only its tributaries (Municipality of Mulgrave-et-Derry) |
 | Lake Creux (46°03'29" N., 76°22'13" W., Municipality of Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Croche (45°55'48" N., 75°10'33" W., Municipality of Montpellier)  |
 | Lake de la Carpe (46°03'12" N., 74°52'25" W., Municipality of Lac-des-Plages) |
 | Lake de la Décharge - (Municipalité de Amherst)(46°07'06" N., 74°48'12" O.) |
 | Lake de la Ferme (46°01'04" N., 75°05'55" W., Municipality of Duhamel)  |
 | Lake de la Sucrerie (46°06'46" N., 74°53'58" O., Municipalité d'Amherst). |
 | Lake de l'Achigan (46°23'19" N., 75°46'25" W., Municipality of Déléage) |
 | Lake de l'Aigle - (Municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Laus)(46°06'44" N., 75°27'48" O.) |
 | Lake de l'Argile (Municipalities of Val-des-Bois and Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette)(45°51'37" N., 75°33'42" W.). |
 | Lake de l'Argile Only its tributaries (Municipalities of Val-des-Bois and Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette) |
 | Lake de l'Écluse (45°43'49" N., 75°46'45" W., Municipality of Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake Dénommé (46°12'55" N., 76°04'31" W., Municipality of Blue Sea)  |
 | Lake des Bagnoles (45°59'49" N., 75°49'34" W., Municipality of Lac-Sainte-Marie) |
 | Lake des Écorces (46°31'28" N., 75°25'02" W.) as well as its tributaries |
 | Lake des Grandes Baies (46°22'23" N., 75°06'54" W., Municipality of Nominingue) |
 | Lake des Îles (Mont-Laurier et Saint-Aimé-du-lac-des-Îles) (46°27'47" N., 75°32'17" W.) |
 | Lake des Pères - (46°14'15" N., 75°51'02" W., Municipalities of Bouchette and de Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau) |
 | Lake des Plages (45°59'35" N., 74°53'57" W., Municipality of Lac-des-Plages) |
 | Lake des Sources (anciennement lac Brochet) (46°33'23" N., 75°34'44" W., Municipalité de Mont-Laurier)  |
 | Lake des Trente and Un Milles - (46°12'22" N., 75°48'36" W., Municipality of Gracefield, Bouchette, Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau, Déléage, Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain) |
 | Lake des Trois Montagnes - (Municipalité de La Conception)(46°09'37" N., 74°46'20" O.). |
 | Lake Désert - (Municipalité de La Minerve)(46°16'47" N., 74°54'29" O.). |
 | Lake Dodds (45°43'06" N., 75°36'26" O., Municipality of Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake du Cardinal (45°50'52" N., 75°47'45" W., Municipality of Denholm) |
 | Lake du Castor Blanc (46°32'30" N., 75°47'26" W., Municipality of Aumond) |
 | Lake du Corbeau (Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus)(46°11'48" N., 75°28'30" W.). |
 | Lake du Dépôt (45°58'31" N., 76°40'52" W., Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract)  |
 | Lake du Rang (45°51'33" N., 76°17'04" W., Municipality of Alleyn-and-Cawood) |
 | Lake Dudley (46°16'13" N., 75°35'26" O.)(Municipalités de Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain)  |
 | Lake Dumont (46°03'58" N., 76°26'51" W., Including the Dumont River, from the outlet of the lake until the end of the first rapid, located about 1.6 km downstream, between 46°00'37" N., 76°28'08" W. and 46°00'36" N., 76°28'09" W., municipalities of Lac-Nilgaut and Otter Lake) |
 | Lake Earhart - (Municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Laus)(46°05'13" N., 75°26'03" O.). |
 | Lake en Coeur (45°46'11" N., 75°14'03" W., Municipalities of Mulgrave-and-Derry and Ripon) |
 | Lake Findlay (45°58'10" N., 76°53'34" W., Municipality de Waltham) |
 | Lake Fiset (Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain) (46°15'01" N., 75°43'40" W.)  |
 | Lake François between a point 100 m upstream and another located 100 m downstream of the bridge between Francois Lake and Petit lac François (46°29'27'' N., 75°19'02'' W.)(municipality Kiamika). |
 | Lake Gagnon (46°06'33" N., 75°07'37" W., Municipality of Duhamel) |
 | Lake Galarneau (46°08'47" N., 76°08'34" W., Municipalities of Mansfield-et-Pontefract and Lac Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Gatineau - (Municipalité de Mont-Laurier)(46°32'58" N., 75°39'19" O.). |
 | Lake Gaucher (46°23'34'' N., 75°36'12'' O.) (Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles)  |
 | Lake Gaudry (46°01'20" N., 76°39'54" W., Municipality de Mansfield-and-Pontefract) |
 | Lake Grand lac à Roy (45°49'04" N., 75°12'05" W., Municipality of Ripon) |
 | Lake Grand lac des Cèdres (Municipalities of Messines and Kitigan Zibi)(46°18'04" N., 76°06'54" W.). |
 | Lake Grand lac du Cerf - (Municipalité de Lac-du-Cerf)(46°16'17" N., 75°29'54" O.). |
 | Lake Grand lac du Pin Rouge (45°48'33" N., 75°12'33" W., Municipality de Ripon) |
 | Lake Grand lac Nominingue - (Municipality of Nominingue) (46°25'55" N., 74°58'50" W.) |
 | Lake Grand lac Rond (46°14'41" N., 75°53'14" W., Municipalities of Bouchette and Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau) |
 | Lake Grand (45°41'07" N., 75°39'00" W., Municipality of Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake Hawk (45°48'21" N., 75°20'24" W., Municipality of Mulgrave-et-Derry) |
 | Lake Heafey (46°15'45" N., 76°08'33" W., Municipality of Messines)  |
 | Lake Hickey - (45°45'48" N., 76°05'28" W., Municipalites of Mansfield-and-Pontefract and of Otter Lake) |
 | Lake Hilaire (46°03'12" N., 76°22'49" W., Municipality of Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Iroquois (46°02'59" N., 75°10'07" W., Municipality of Duhamel) |
 | Lake Johnson (45°46'41" N., 76°23'33" W., Municipality of Thorne) |
 | Lake Kensington (46°23'50" N., 75°43'04" W., Municipalities Déléage and Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain) |
 | Lake La Minerve - (Municipalité de La Minerve)(46°13'18" N., 75°01'46" O.). |
 | Lake la Rouge (46°04'04" N., 74°59'02" W., Municipality of Lac-des-Plages) |
 | Lake Labelle - (Municipalité de Labelle)(46°13'44" N., 74°51'13" O.). |
 | Lake Lady (45°50'15" N., 75°20'05" W., Municipality of Mulgrave-et-Derry) |
 | Lake Lafontaine (46°04'27" N., 75°10'23" W., Municipality of Duhamel) |
 | Lake Laforest (46°05'55" N., 76°31'27" W., Municipality of Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Lesage - (Municipality of Nominingue, Lac-Ernest and La Minerve)(46°18'38" N., 75°02'30" W.) |
 | Lake Logue (46°38'24" N., 76°05'07" W., Municipality of Montcerf-Lytton)  |
 | Lake Long (45°42'07" N., 75°19'30" W., Municipality of Mayo) |
 | Lake Marie-Louise - (Municipalité de La Minerve)(46°14'01" N., 74°58'18" O.) |
 | Lake McArthur (45°42'29" N., 75°40'13" W., Municipality of Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake McArthur (45°50'41" N., 75°51'31" W., Municipality of Denholm) |
 | Lake McFee (45°42'53" N., 75°37'20" W., Municipality of Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake McGregor (45°39'26" N., 75°38'47" W., Municipality of Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake McGuire Only its tributaries (Municipalities of Mulgrave-et-Derry and L'Ange-Gardien). |
 | Lake McKay (45°59'56" N., 76°38'22" W., Municipalites and Mansfield-and-Pontefract and of Otter Lake) |
 | Lake McPhee (Municipalité of Lac-du-Cerf)(46°15'58'' N., 75°28'14'' W.)  |
 | Lake Mecham (45°45'15" N., 76°22'18" W., Municipality of Thorne) |
 | Lake Meech Only its tributaries (Municipalities of Chelsea and Pontiac) |
 | Lake Michel - (46°16'46" N., 75°49'38" W., Municipality of Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau) |
 | Lake Moiseau (46°05'18" N., 76°53'05" W., Municipality of Waltham) |
 | Lake Moorhead (46°10'04" N., 76°31'37" W., Municipality of Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Moreno (46°25'27" N., 75°09'03" O., Municipalité de Nominingue). |
 | Lake Mulet (45°57'16" N., 75°13'04" W., Municipality of Montpellier)  |
 | Lake Normandeau (45°50'37" N., 75°49'29" W., Municipality of Denholm) |
 | Lake of the Isles (Municipality of Lac-Ernest) (46°17'18" N., 75°03'16" W.) |
 | Lake Papineau (45°48'34" N., 74°45'46" W., Municipalities of Boileau, Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours, Harrington and Grenville-sur-la-Rouge) |
 | Lake Paquin (46°08'01" N., 76°02'58" W., Municipality of Gracefield) |
 | Lake Patterson (46°08'29" N., 76°12'11" W., Municipality Cayamant) |
 | Lake Pemichangan (Municipalities of Gracefield and Lac-Sainte-Marie)(46°03'31" N., 75°51'02" W.). |
 | Lake Petit lac à la Truite (45°57'08" N., 75°50'19" W., Municipality of Lac-Sainte-Marie) |
 | Lake Petit lac Cayamant (45°58'59" N., 76°20'02" W., Municipalities of Otter Lake, Alleyn-et-Cawood, Cayamant) |
 | Lake Petit lac des Cèdres (Municipalities of Messines and Kitigan Zibi)(46°17'30" N., 76°04'49" W.). |
 | Lake Petit lac du Cerf - (Municipalité de Lac-du-Cerf)(46°17'13" N., 75°31'59" O.). |
 | Lake Petit lac Francis (Municipality of Notre-Dame-de-Pontmain) (46°17'41" N., 75°38'44" W.)  |
 | Lake Petit lac Preston (46°01'56" N., 75°02'48" W., Municipality of Duhamel) |
 | Lake Pigeon (46°11'34" N., 76°52'24" W., Municipality of Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Pimodan (Municipality Kiamika)(46°23'20" N., 75°17'35" W.). |
 | Lake Proulx (45°49'44" N., 75°51'52" W., Municipality of Denholm) |
 | Lake Quinn (Municipalities of Mont-Laurier and Aumond)(46°28'38" N., 75°44'14" W.). |
 | Lake Rognon (Amherst Municipality)(46°04'22'' N., 74°47'58'' W.) |
 | Lake Rond (45°41'14" N., 75°50'09" W., Municipalité de La Pêche) |
 | Lake Rond (45°52'26" N., 75°46'27" W., Municipality of Denholm) |
 | Lake Saint-Antoine (Municipality of Nominingue) (46°23'58" N., 75°09'37" W.)  |
 | Lake Saint-Charles (45°46'26" N., 75°52'24" W., Municipalites of the Pêche and Denholm) |
 | Lake Saint-Germain (Municipalities of Notre-Dame-du-Laus and Lac-du-Cerf)(46°13'41" N., 75°30'18" W.). |
 | Lake Saint-Sixte (45°49'01" N., 75°15'13" W., Municipalities of Mulgrave-et-Derry and Montpellier) |
 | Lake Serpent (Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus)(46°09'14" N., 75°28'53" W.). |
 | Lake Simon (45°57'23" N., 75°04'29" W., Municipalities Duhamel and Lac-Simon) |
 | Lake Smallian (45°49'08" N., 75°21'25" W., Municipality of Mulgrave-and-Derry) |
 | Lake Stubbs (46°06'16" N., 76°38'46" W., Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract) |
 | Lake Terreur (45°43'55" N., 75°38'33" W., Municipality Val-des-Monts) |
 | Lake Thorne (45°41'13" N., 76°21'43" W., Municipality Thorne and Clarendon) |
 | Lake Usborne (46°13'27" N., 76°40'18" W., Municipality Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Vert (45°54'08" N., 75°36'23" W., Municipality of Val-des-Bois)  |
 | Lake Vert (45°59'55" N., 75°47'58" W., Municipality of Lac-Sainte-Marie) |
 | Lake Vert (46°10'30" N., 75°29'01" W., Municipality of Notre-Dame-du-Laus)  |
 | Lake Veuillot (46°25'32" N., 75°09'57" O., Municipalité de Nominingue). |
 | Lake Viceroy (45°50'52" N., 75°06'19" W., Municipalities of Ripon and Lac-Simon) |
 | Lake Wright (46°20'27" N., 76°47'42" W., Municipality of Lac-Nilgaut) |
 | Lake Xavier - (Municipalité de La Conception)(46°08'52" N., 74°44'18" O.). |
 | Reservoir aux Sables (46°09'30" N., 75°41'05" O.)(Municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Laus)  |
 | Reservoir Poisson Blanc Lac Cuillèrier (46°06'34" N., 75°41'38" O., Municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Laus) |
 | Reservoir Poisson Blanc Lac Doré (46°03'27" N., 75°42'51" O., Municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Laus) |
 | Reservoir Poisson Blanc Lac du Brochet (46°02'21" N., 75°42'34" O., Municipalité de Notre-Dame-du-Laus) |
 | Reservoir Poisson Blanc Lac du Poisson Blanc (46°00'50" N., 75°42'32" O., Municipalités de Notre-Dame-du-Laus, Bowman et Lac-Sainte-Marie) |
 | River Coulonge between Coulonge falls (45°52'27" N., 76°41'15" W.) and the first residence located downstream (Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract). |
 | River de la Petite Nation between its mouth into lac Simon and the rivière Preston (Municipality of Duhamel). |
 | River de la Petite Nation between the Duhamel bridge (route 321) and the mouth of the rivière Preston (Municipality of Duhamel). |
 | River du Lièvre between Paquette (46°33'00" N., 75°30'55" W.), bridge in Mont-Laurier (Highway 117) and 100m downstream point of the Iroquois rapid at Notre-Dame-du-Laus.  |
 | River du Lièvre between the McLaren dam, south of High Falls, and a point situated at the southern tip of the island approximately 2 km downstream of this dam (Municipalities of Val-des-Monts, Val-des-Bois of Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette and Bowman). |
 | River Gatineau between the Calumet falls bridge, linking Highway 105 to the Point Comfort village, and the power line crossing it about 2.8 km downstream (Municipality of Gracefield).  |
 | River Gatineau entre l'extrémité aval de l'Île Marguerite (première île en amont du pont Alonso-Wright, soit une ligne entre le point 45°29'31" N., 75°45'07" O. et le point 45°29'26" N., 75°45'10" O.), et la première île en aval de ce pont (soit une ligne entre le point 45°28'56" N., 75°44'29" O. et le point 45°28'50" N., 75°44'44" O.)(Municipalités de Chelsea et Gatineau)  |
 | River Kiamika between the Highway 117 bridge and its mouth in lac Aux Barges (Municipality of Lac-des-Écorces).  |
 | River Noire (Waltham township), between its confluence with the Ottawa River and the hydroelectric dam upstream. |
 | River Picanoc between Picanoc bridge (46°04'29" N., 76°04'40" W.), about 1.5 km upstream of Highway 105, and a north-south line joining from both banks downstream of the island in its mouth located in the Gatineau River (Municipality of Gracefield). |
 | River Preston between the mouth of the Petite Nation River and the bridge of Highway 321 (46°00'47" N., 75°03'36" W., Municipality of Duhamel). |
 | River Saguay between Bridge Road and Chapleau Lake Bourget (municipality Nominingue).  |
 | Wildlife Reserve de Papineau-Labelle |
 | Zec Bras-Coupé-Désert |
 | Zec Pontiac |
 | Zec Rapides-des-Joachims |
 | Zec Saint-Patrice |