| | |
| Brook aux Bleuets Ouest between its mouth in the Kiamika reservoir delimited by a line perpendicular to the current connecting point 46 ° 39'11 "N., 75 ° 01'52" W., and point 46 ° 39'08 "N., 75 ° 01 '49 "W., and Lac aux Bleuets (46 ° 39 'N., 75 ° 00' W.) (Municipality of Rivière-Rouge). |
| Brook Busby between lac Tapani, upstream, and the second bridge crossing the brook marking the boundary of zec Mitchinamecus (46°57' N., 75°16' W. (Municipality of Saint-Anne-du-Lac). |
| Brook Castelneau between its mouth in the Kiamika reservoir delimited by a line perpendicular to the current connecting point 46 ° 44'36 "N., 75 ° 00'48" W., and point 46 ° 44'36 "N., 75 ° 00 '45 "W. and a point located upstream of the bridge which crosses just to the west of the ZEC Maison-de-Pierre reception post (46 ° 43'15" N., 74 ° 58'40 "W .) (Municipalities of Lac-Douaire and Rivière-Rouge). |
| Brook des Journalistes (46°42'04'' N., 75°27'27,9'' O.) between lac Des Journalistes and rivière Du Lièvre (Municipality of Ferme-Neuve). |
| Brook des Sources Between the culvert pipe on Highway 117 and a point situated 1.5 km downstream (Municipalité de Mont-Laurier). |
| Brook Ouellette between a point situated 50 m downstream of the 9th Avenue, in Ferme-Neuve, and a point situated 200 m upstream of that avenue. |
| Brook Philomène between its outlet into Philomène bay in the réservoir Baskatong and the bridge (46°37'03" N., 75°48'11" W.) of the road linking Au Sable bay to Highway 117, as well as in the waters linking lac Caronna to Philomène bay (Municipality of Grand-Remous). |
| Brook Sans nom (du lac Chub) (Municipality of Sainte-Anne-du-Lac) bridge fall weir Chub Lake (46°57'12" N., 75°29'37''" W.) a distance of 100 m downstream. |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Bay au Sable - The part between a straight line connecting points 46°39'11.99'' N., 75°44'3.05'' W. and 46°39'15.93'' N, 75°44'1.47'' O.et the mouth of the unnamed creek at the head of the bay (46°37'05'' N, 75°42'45.8'' W.). |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Bay Gens de Terre - The portion between the downstream side of the Lépine Bridge located on the Gens de terre River and a straight line joining points 46°52'37.23" N., 75°57'56.41" W. and 46°52'27.20" N., 75°58'1.11" W. including Côte Jaune Creek to the downstream side of the Zec Petawaga Road bridge (46°54'43, 47" N, 75°59'58.67" W.). |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Bay Philomène - That part between a point downstream of the narrowest part of the outlet of Philomena Bay to Philomena Creek upstream, excluding unnamed lake (Canard) (46°40'49" N., 75°51'19" W.) |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Bay sans nom (Baie Notawassi) - That part between the mouth of the Notawassi River (46°55'35.73'' N., 75°41'16.43'' W. and a straight line south of the bay joining the points 46°54'10.68'' N., 75°40'40.84'' W. and 46°54'11.18'' N., 75°40' 33.03'' W. |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Bay Sans nom (Rivière Petawaga) - The bay bounded on the north by the mouth of the unnamed stream connecting the reservoir to Usher Lake (46°54'49.69'' N, 75°54'36.07'' W.) and by the mouth of Demerest Creek (46°54'49.11'' N., 75°54'24.36'' W.), on the east in the Petawaga River to the mouth of the unnamed stream connecting the reservoir to Penny Lake) and on the south by a straight line connecting points 46°51'46, 73'' N, 75°53'52.38'' W, 46°51'37.69'' N, 75°53'56.21'' W and 46°52'5.46''N, 75°52'21.09'' W |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Bay Sans nom - That part between a straight line joining the points (46°55'57.99'' N., 75°32'19.96'' W.) and (46°55'58.07'' N. ., 75°32'15.85'' W.) to the bottom of the bay including part of the unnamed watercourse (46°55'2.58'' N., 75°32'50, 94'' W.) |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Bay Windigo - That part between a straight line at its mouth connecting points 46°45'57.65'' N., 75°42'45.78'' W. and 46°46'4.07'' N., 75°42'40.49'' W. and the mouth of Windigo Creek (46°45'37.65'' N., 75°42'18.86'' W.). |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Lake Caméra - The portion between the mouth of Bittern Creek to the north (46°59'7.2'' N, 75°33'30.5'' W.) including Guidon Bay to its western limit (46°57'1.97'' N., 75°35'25.85'' W.) and its mouth in the Baskatong Reservoir bounded by a straight line connecting points 46°57'42.58'' N., 75°33'11.96'' W. and 46°57'40, 27'' N., 75°33'11'' W. |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - Reservoir Baskatong except the following water bodies: *Gens de Terre Bay - That part between the downstream side of Lépine bridge located on the Gens de Terre river and a straight line joining the points 46°52'37.23" N., 75°57'56.41" W. and 46°52'27 .20" N., 75°58'1.11" W. including the Côte Jaune stream to the downstream side of Chemin de la Zec Petawaga bridge (46°54'43.47" N., 75° 59'58.67" W.). *Philomène Bay - That part between a point downstream of the narrowest part of the outlet of Philomena Bay to Philomena Creek upstream, excluding unnamed lake (Canard) (46°40'49" N., 75°51'19" W.) *Bay au Sable - That part between a straight line joining the points 46°39'11.99'' N., 75°44'3.05'' W. and 46°39'15.93'' N., 75 °44'1.47'' W. and the mouth of the unnamed stream located at the bottom of the bay (46°37'5'' N., 75°42'45.8'' W.). *Unnamed Bay - That part between a straight line joining the points (46°55'57.99'' N., 75°32'19.96'' W.) and (46°55'58.07'' N. ., 75°32'15.85'' W.) to the bottom of the bay including part of the unnamed watercourse (46°55'2.58'' N., 75°32'50, 94'' W.). *Caméra Lake - That part between the mouth of Butor stream to the north (46°59'7.2'' N., 75°33'30.5'' W.) including Guidon bay to its limit west (46°57'1.97'' N., 75°35'25.85'' W.) and its mouth in the Baskatong reservoir delimited by a straight line joining the points 46°57'42.58'' N ., 75°33'11.96'' W. and 46°57'40.27'' N., 75°33'11'' W. *Unnamed Bay (Notawassi Bay) - That part between the mouth of the Notawassi River (46°55'35.73'' N., 75°41'16.43'' W. and a straight line south of the bay joining the points 46°54'10.68'' N., 75°40'40.84'' W. and 46°54'11.18'' N., 75°40' 33.03'' W. *Windigo Bay - That part between a straight line at its mouth connecting the points 46°45'57.65'' N., 75°42'45.78'' W. and 46°46'4.07'' N., 75° 42'40.49'' W. and the mouth of Windigo Creek (46°45'37.65'' N., 75°42'18.86'' W.). *Unnamed Bay (Petawaga River) - The bay bounded to the north by the mouth of the unnamed watercourse connecting the reservoir to Lake Usher (46°54'49.69'' N., 75°54'36.07'' W.) and by the mouth of Demerest Creek (46°54'49.11'' N., 75°54'24.36'' W.), east into the Petawaga river to the mouth of the watercourse unnamed joining the reservoir to Penny Lake and to the south by a straight line joining the points 46°51'46.73'' N., 75°53'52.38'' W., 46°51'37.69' 'N., 75°53'56.21'' W. and 46°52'5.46''N., 75°52'21.09'' W. *Gatineau River - That part between the downstream side of the CIP iron bridge overlooking the rapids Ceizur (47°04'56.77" N., 75°45'10.41" W.) and a straight line joining points 47°01'1.38" N., 75°42'44.31" W. and 47°01'00.00" N., 75°42'32.81" W. located 1.5 km away downstream of this spawn from the Esturgeon Depot. |
| Communal Wildlife Area Baskatong reservoir - River Gatineau - The part between the downstream side of the CIP iron bridge overlooking the rapids Ceizur (47°04'56.77" N., 75°45'10.41" W.) and a straight line connecting points 47°01'1.38" N., 75°42'44.31" W. and 47°01'00" N., 75°42'32.81" W. located 1.5 km away downstream of this spawn from the Esturgeon Depot. |
| Lake aux Cyprès (46°52'15" N., 75°11'45" W., Mont-Saint-Michel Municipality) |
| Lake aux Poissons (46°36'52" N., 74°48'48" W., Municipalité de L'Ascension) |
| Lake Bertrand - (46°37'56" N., 75°23'45" W., Municipality of Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Béthune - (46°51'18" N., 75°27'55" W., Municipality of Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Bitobi - (46°42'21" N., 75°57'41" W., Municipality of Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Borcoman - (46°46'08" N., 75°36'34" O., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Boucher (46°53'59" N., 75°24'51" W., Municipality of Sainte-Anne-du-Lac) |
| Lake Brochet (46°30'01" N., 74°44'40" O., Municipality of L'Ascension) |
| Lake Chaud - (46°27'09'' N., 74°46'06'' W.) |
| Lake Clair (anciennement lac Vert) (46°37'34" N., 75°42'48" O., Municipalité de Mont-Laurier) |
| Lake de la Bouette (46°43'30" N., 75°34'39" W., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake de la Montagne (Courtemanche) (46°43'10" N., 75°33'20" W.)(Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake des Cornes (46°43'30" N., 75°09'19" O., Municipalité de Chute-Saint-Philippe) |
| Lake des Îles (46°43'27" N., 75°34'03" W., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake des Journalistes - (46°42'56" N., 75°27'46" W., Municipality of Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake du Club (46°37'29" N., 75°32'06" W., Municipalité de Mont-Laurier) |
| Lake Flapper (46°47'50" N., 75°38'13" W., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Gervais (46°46'23" N., 75°52'28" O.) (Municipalité de Grand-Remous) |
| Lake Grand lac Rabot - (46°51'50" N., 75°24'46" O., Municipality of Sainte-Anne-du-Lac) |
| Lake Grand lac Serpent (46°57'26" N., 75°25'10" W.)(Municipality of Sainte-Anne-du-Lac) |
| Lake Hamel - (46°54'34" N., 75°16'11" W., Municipalité de Sainte-Anne-du-Lac) |
| Lake Hardy - (46°35'50" N., 75°49'02" W., Municipalité de Grand-Remous) |
| Lake Howard - (46°35'54" N., 75°39'50" W., Municipalité de Mont-Laurier) |
| Lake Lacroix (46°43'05" N., 76°01'11" W., Municipality of Montcerf-Lytton) |
| Lake Lafontaine - (46°42'19" N., 75°28'47" W., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Lafrance (46°43'02" N., 76°00'45" W., Municipality of Montcerf-Lytton) |
| Lake L'Allier - (46°54'02" N., 75°15'37" W., Municipalité de Saint-Anne-du-Lac) |
| Lake Léona - (46°47'08" N., 75°30'47" W., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Macaza - (46°22'59" N., 74°44'31" O., Municipalité de La Macaza) |
| Lake Major - (46°50'11" N., 75°30'43" W., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Marquis (46°40' N., 75°14' W., Municipality of Chute-Saint-Philippe) |
| Lake Miroir (Municipality of Mont-Tremblant) (46°12'40" N., 74°35'15" W.) |
| Lake Moore (Municipality of Mont-Tremblant) (46°11'42" N., 74°37'03" W.) |
| Lake Noir (46°55'04" N., 75°15'02" W., Municipalité de Saint-Anne-du-Lac) |
| Lake Ouellette - (46°43'10" N., 75°26'15" O., Municipality of Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Palais (anciennement lac de la Truite Rouge) (46°46'26" N., 75°37'06" W., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Papineau - (46°46'44" N., 75°24'55" O., Municipality of Mont-Saint-Michel) |
| Lake Pérodeau (46°45'42" N., 75°09'14" O., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Petit lac Béthune - (46°50'48" N., 75°28'06" O., Municipality of Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Petit lac Caribou (46°17'59" N., 74°43'09" W.) (Municipality of Labelle) |
| Lake Petit lac Kiamika - (46°38'45" N., 75°13'46" W., Municipality of Chute-Saint-Philippe |
| Lake Philomène - (46°39'26" N., 75°51'59" W., Municipality of Grand-Remous) |
| Lake Pionnier - (46°39'00" N., 75°28'32" O., Municipality of Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake René (46°37'41" N., 75°41'19" W., Municipalité de Mont-Laurier) |
| Lake Saguay - (46°30'10" N., 75°08'30" W., Municipality of Lac-Saguay) |
| Lake Saint-Paul - (46°42'21" N., 75°20'16" W., Municipalité de Lac-Saint-Paul) |
| Lake Scotchman - (46°45'47" N., 75°36'18" O., Municipalité de Ferme-Neuve) |
| Lake Tapani - (46°54'34" N., 75°19'21" W., Municipality of Sainte-Anne-du-Lac) |
| Lake Tibériade - (46°31'31" N., 74°58'53" W., Municipality of Rivière-Rouge) |
| Lake Tremblant - (46°14'48" N., 74°38'06" W., Municipalités de Lac-Tremblant-Nord et de Mont-Tremblant) |
| Reservoir Kiamika (46°40' N., 75°04' W., Municipalities Chute-Saint-Philippe, Rivière-Rouge, Lac-Douaire and Lac Saguay ) |
| River d'Argent between the bridge that crosses at (46°58'25" N., 75°29'23" W.) the river northeast of lac Georges (boundary of zec Mitchinamecus) and a point 100 m downstream of the bridge (Municipality of Saint-Anne-du-Lac). |
| River des Cornes between the réservoir Kiamika and lac Des Cornes (46°42' N., 75°09' W.), as well as from the mouth of rivière Des Cornes, in the réservoir Kiamika, to a line perpendicular to the current connecting the south shore of Île Luc to the east shore of Kiamika reservoir bay (Municipality of Chute-Saint-Philippe). |
| River du Lièvre between the Chaudière rapids (46°47'00 N., 75°18'53'' W.) north of Mont-Saint-Michel and the Highway 117 bridge (46°32'58,7" N., 75°30'52" W.), in Mont-Laurier. |
| River Gatineau between the Mercier dam and the first island located roughly 1.8 km downstream (Municipality of Grand-Remous). |
| River Kiamika Between a line perpendicular to the current joining a point on the east shore (46°44'36" N., 75°00'37" W.) to a point on the west shore (46°44'36" N., 75°00'39" W.) and the mouth of Lake Franchère ZEC Maison-de-Pierre (46°44'47" N., 74°59'49" W.). (Municipality of Lac-Douaire) |
| River Kiamika between the Highway 117 (46°33'25" N., 75°21'55" W.) bridge and the bridge of the path of the Quatre-Fourches (46°35' N., 75°18' W.). (Municipality of Lac-des-Écorces) |
| Zec Petawaga |