Sport fishing in Québec
Fishing periods, limits and exceptions

For fishing periods, limits and exceptions for the site where you want to fish, use the interactive map or search filters below.

Using the search tool

Use the search filters to target the fishing zone and the body of water where you want to fish (to know your fishing zone, consult the interactive map).

For information on current fishing periods, limits and exceptions:

  1. Select the fiching zone.
  2. Check whether the body of water you are searching for is on the "Bodies of Water – Regulatory Exceptions" list. If not, the zone rules will apply.
  3. Select the species you wish to fish for.

You can also narrow the search results to the rules currently in force, by checking the box provided for this purpose.

If the body of water you are looking for is not on the proposed list, it is because the applicable rules are the same as those of the zone.

You must also consult the "News" section to see if any regulatory changes made during the season affect your body of water.

IMPORTANT: catch limits and fishing periods that apply in wildlife territories may differ from those mentioned here. In these cases, you will be informed on the spot. Make sure you understand the different limits.

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  • The New icon icon indicates a change from the previous season.
  • The Salmon river icon icon indicates that the body of water has salmon river status.
  • The Winter fishing icon icon indicates that fishing is allowed in winter.

Fishing periods, limits and exceptions for zone 21

Catch limit 
Fishing device 
CollapseRules for the zone
 CollapsePeriodFrom April 1st, 2024 to March 31st, 2025
Black Crappie
Char (arctic char, brook trout) poisson
5 in all The bag limit is 1 or 15 char in parts of Area 21. 
Lake Trout and Splake Trout
2 in allA length limit may apply for this species. Check the applicable limits for this zone. 
Landlocked Salmon
Fishing prohibitedLandlocked salmon are considered absent from zone 21. Fishing for landlocked salmon is still permitted in 2 bodies of water in exception in zone 21, including a sector of the Saguenay River and a sector of the Aux Outardes River. 
6 in all  
Rainbow Smelt
120The limit is 60 Smelt in parts of the area 21. 
Striped Bass
Fishing prohibited  
Walleye and Sauger
6 in allA length limit may apply for this species. Check the applicable limits for this zone.Angling or fly fishing
Yellow Perch
 CollapsePeriodFrom June 1st, 2024 to August 31st, 2024
Atlantic salmon
1 small fish caught and retained or 3 caught and released according to the quota caught firstA length limit may apply for this species. Check the applicable limits for this zone.
Elsewhere than in salmon rivers.

Salmon fishing licence mandatory.
Angling or fly fishing
 CollapsePeriodFrom June 15th, 2024 to October 31st, 2024
1 in allA length limit may apply for this species. Check the applicable limits for this zone.Angling or fly fishing
 CollapsePeriodFrom June 15th, 2024 to March 31st, 2025
6 in all  
Muskellunge and Tiger Muskellunge
2 in all Angling or fly fishing
 CollapsePeriodFrom April 1st, 2024 to March 31st, 2025- Other species
  no limit  

Bodies of water – Regulatory exceptions

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Catch limit 
Fishing device 
Expand That part of the area 21 designated as "Banc-des-Américains marine protected area" the maritime water of the Gulf of St. Lawrence which is made up of the seabed and the subsoil and which is included within the limits described below: Starting from point (1) 48°45'00'' N., 64°08'24'' W., located near the southern end of Cap Gaspé, thence, following a straight line to point (5) 48°45'00.13'' N., 64°07'16.48'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (6) 48°37'13.33'' N., 63°55'28.47'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (7) 48°37'19.43'' N., 63°54'33.91'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (8) 48°36'28.92'' N., 63°53'17.65'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (9) 48°34'54.11'' N., 63°54'06.36'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (10) 48°30'24.46'' N., 63°47'20.43'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (11) 48°29'24.73'' N., 63°48'51.44'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (12) 48°29'24.76'' N., 63°49'23.91'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (13) 48°33'25.72'' N., 63°55'26.76'' W., thence following a straight line to point (14) 48°34'38.52'' N., 63°58'02.08'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (15) 48°37'04.16'' N., 63°58'48.70'' W., thence, following a straight line to point (16) 48°43'23.21'' N., 64°08'24'' W., thence, following a straight line to the starting point (1) 48°45'00'' N., 64°08'24'' W.
ExpandBrook de l'Église (municipalité de Beaumont) the portion of the St. Lawrence River and Church Creek between the four boundaries located on the 46°49'56" N., 71°00'43" W.; 46°50'00" N., 71°00'43" W.; 46°50'00" N., 71°00'47" W.; 46°49'56" N., 71°00'47" W.
ExpandRiver à Mars saumon - That waters between points 48°20'25" N., 70°52'39" W., 48°20'21" N., 70°52'22" W., 48°20'13,9" N., 70°52'36,5" W. and 48°20'18,8" N., 70°52'40,7" W. (see also zone 28)
ExpandRiver Aguanish saumon (as well as the tributaries of this sector frequented by salmon) between a straight line joining point 50°13'11" N., 62°05'42" W. to point 50°13'02" N., 62°05'00" W. and a straight line joining point 50°13'35" N., 62°06'27" W. au point 50°13'40" N., 62°06'25" W. (see also zone 19 south part B)
ExpandRiver aux Outardes between a straight line joining Pointe aux Outardes (49°02'39'' N., 68°27'47'' W.) and Pointe à Jos Caron (49°04'10'' N., 68°29'14 '' O.) and straight lines passing through points 49°08'7,9'' N., 68°23'9,8'' W. and 49°08'40'' N., 68°23'22'' W. (see also zone 18)
ExpandRiver aux Rochers saumon a) (as well as the tributaries of this sector frequented by salmon) between a straight line joining point 50°00'50" N., 66°52'40" W. in Port-Cartier-Ouest to point 50°00'51" N., 66°51'49" W. at île du Quai, from there to point 50°01'17" N., 66°51'43" W. in Port-Cartier and the downstream side of the bridges linking Port-Cartier-Ouest to Port-Cartier, except the area between a straight line joining point 50°01'05" N., 66°52'28" W. to point 50°01'00" N., 66°52'20" W. and the downstream side of the bridge on the west branch of the river linking Port-Cartier-Ouest to Port-Cartier (small wharf sector). (see also Zone 19 south part A)
ExpandRiver aux Rochers saumon a.1) (as well as the tributaries of this sector frequented by salmon) between a straight line joining point 50°01'05" N., 66°52'28" W. to point 50°01'00" N., 66°52'20" W. and the downstream side of the bridge on the west branch of the river linking Port-Cartier-Ouest to Port-Cartier (small wharf sector). (see also Zone 19 south part A)
ExpandRiver Betsiamites saumon between a straight line joining the northern tip of the Canadiens bank and a straight line joining point 48°55'53'' N., 68°41'28'' W. to point 48°56'00'' N., 68°41'07'' W. (see also zone 18)
ExpandRiver Cap-Chat saumon between the western limit of the breakwater and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (see also Zone 1).
ExpandRiver de Mont-Louis between the downstream side of Highway 132 bridge and a straight line linking points 49°14'15" N., 65°43'16" W. and 49°14'24" N., 65°44'58" W. This sector does not have the status of a salmon river.
ExpandRiver du Gouffre saumon between its mouth, limited by a line from the south-east end of the wharf (47°25'45" N., 70°29'18" W.) and a point located at 47°25'51" N., 70°28'36" W. (the land pointe on the opposite bank of the du Gouffre river), and the downstream side of the CN bridge located at 47°26'31 "N, 70°29'43" W..
ExpandRiver du Moulin between the downstream side of Boulevard Saguenay bridge and the downstream side of the University Boulevard bridge..
ExpandRiver du Petit Pabos saumon between the downstream side of the CN bridge and a straight line connecting, to the west, the headland at 48°22'06" N., 64°35'33" W. and, to the east, stairs leading to the beach (48°22'18" N., 64°35'20" W.)
ExpandRiver du Sud between the part downstream of the bridge situated at point 46°59'12" N., 70°32'59" W. and a straight line linking the edge of Montmagny wharf 46°59'25" N., 70°33'12" W. and Aux Oies point 46°59'36" N., 70°33'00" W.
ExpandRiver La Grande Rivière saumon between a line drawn between the eastern limit of Lot 123-7 (48°23'50,67" N., 64°30'13,83" W.) and the western limit of the breakwater (48°23'48.10" N., 64°30'12.24" W.) and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (see also zone 1).
ExpandRiver Malbaie (rive nord) saumon between a straight line joining Casgrain wharf (47°39'11" N., 70°09'00" W.) at the mouth of ruisseau Côte à Pontage (47°39'15" N., 70°08'22" W.) and the downstream side of the Highway 138 bridge (see also Zone 27).
ExpandRiver Manicouagan between its mouth in the fleuve Saint-Laurent and the downstream side of Highway 138 bridge.
ExpandRiver Matane saumon between its mouth demarcated by a straight line joining the northern end of the two breakwaters and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (see also Zone 1).
ExpandRiver Ouelle between the downstream side of the bridge on Highway 132, located at 47°25'55" N., 70°00'59" W. and a line connecting the mouth of the creek Gagnon at 47°25'08" N., 70°02'42" W. and Pointe de la Rivière Ouelle at 47°25'31" N., 70°03'39" W.
ExpandRiver Piashti saumon a)(as well as the tributaries of this sector frequented by salmon) between a straight line joining the southeastern tip of Tanguay point (50°16'43" N., 62°48'41" W.) and the outcrop of Loizeau point (50°16'40" N., 62°48'11" W.) to the southern tip of Loizeau point (50°16'50" N., 62°47'56" W.) and a straight line running perpendicular to the current joining the two banks 125 m downstream from the Highway 138 bridge. (see also zone 19 south part B)
ExpandRiver Piashti saumon b)(as well as the tributaries of this sector frequented by salmon) between a straight line perpendicular to the current joining the two banks 125 m downstream from the Highway 138 bridge and a point 300 m upstream from this bridge. (see also zone 19 south part B)
ExpandRiver Piashti saumon c)(as well as the tributaries of this sector frequented by salmon) between a straight line perpendicular to the current 300 m upstream from the Highway 138 bridge and lake Salé. (see also zone 19 south part B)
ExpandRiver Saguenay - That part between a straight line perpendicular to the current passing on the upstream side of Flèche littorale (48°26'23" N., 70° 54'08" W.) situated near the municipality of Saint-Fulgence and the downstream side of Dubuc bridge in Saguenay.
ExpandRiver Saguenay - That part between a transverse line joining Highway 138 between Tadoussac and Baie Sainte-Catherine and a line perpendicular to the current passing on the upstream side of Flèche littorale (48°26'23" N., 70°54'08" W.) situated near the municipality of Saint-Fulgence.
ExpandRiver Sainte-Anne saumon between a straight line 450 m downstream of the 1re Avenue Ouest bridge in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts and the downstream side of that bridge (see also Zone 1).
ExpandWaters des Îles-de-la-Madeleine Étang du Ouest - (47°15'40'' N., 61°59'39'' W.)
ExpandWaters des Îles-de-la-Madeleine including Entry Island, and a strip along the shore of these islands over a distance of 1 km. Also included are semi-open circles on the marine environment with lagoons, bays, ponds, bays and harbors.
ExpandWaters That part of area 21 located between a straight line joining the mouth of the Sainte-Marguerite river (50°08'49'' N., 66°34'50'' W.) near Sept-Îles and the mouth of the Grands Méchins River at Les Méchins (49°00'13" N., 66°58'12" W.), a straight line joining the western tip of Kegaska Island (50°10'31" N., 61°16'45" W.) and the point 48°46'53" N., 60°28'39" W. and the limit of area 21 located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence at 48 °13'14" N., 63°47'29" W. EXCLUDING the 10 kilometers strip along the shore of Gaspésie, Banc-des-Américains and Chaleur Bay
ExpandWaters That part of area 21 located to the east of a straight line connecting the western point of the Island of Kegaska (50°10'31" N., 61°16'45" W.) and the point (48°46'53" N., 60°28'39" W.)
ExpandWaters That part of zone 21 (Chaleur Bay) included between the downstream side of the Campbelton bridge, including the Chaleur bay and Gulf of St. Lawrence waters, and a straight line joining the western tip of the Cap-Gaspé coast (48°44'52'' N., 64°09'42'' W.) and the boundary of the Area 21 located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence at 48°13'14'' N., 63°47'29'' W.
ExpandWaters That part of zone 21 (including St. Lawrence River) between the downstream side of Pierre-Laporte bridge and a straight line linking, south of the St. Lawrence, Pointe Santerre de Rimouski (48°23'50.54'' N., 68°40'23.24'' W.) and on the north side of the St. Lawrence, a point located at 48°34'23'' N., 69°08'03'' W., is a stone pier west of the Portneuf river EXCLUDING Saguenay River poisson
ExpandWaters That part of zone 21 included between a straight line connecting, to the south of the St. Lawrence, Pointe Santerre de Rimouski (48°23'50.54'' N., 68°40'23.24'' W.) and on the north side of the St. Lawrence, a point located at 48°34'23'' N., 69°08'03'' W., is a stone pier west of the river Portneuf, and a straight line joining the mouth of the Sainte-Marguerite river (50°08'49'' N., 66°34'50'' W.) near Sept-Îles and the mouth of the Grands Méchins River at Les Méchins (49°00'13" N., 66°58'12" W.) EXCLUDING the 10 kilometers strip along the shore to the south of these waters poisson
ExpandWaters That part of zone 21 included in a 10 kilometers strip along the shore between a straight line connecting Pointe Santerre de Rimouski (48°23'51" N., 68°40'23" W.) to the point located at 48°27'28,4" N., 68°49'53,1" W. and a straight line joining the mouth of the Grands Méchins river to Les Méchins (49°00'13" N., 66°58'12" W.) at point 49°07'33.37" N., 66° 55'44.65" W.
ExpandWaters That part of zone 21 included in a 10 kilometers strip along the shore between a straight line joining the mouth of the Grands Méchins river to Les Méchins (49°00'13" N., 66°58'12" W.) at point 49°07'33.37" N., 66°55'44.65" W. and a straight line connecting the western end of Cap-Gaspé littoral (48°44'52" N., 64°09 '42" W.) to the point located at 48°40'03" N, 64°06'17" W.