| | |
 | Brook Blanc (tributary of Ruisseau Malbaie) (48°31'48" N., 64°32'47" W.) This sector does not have a salmon river status. |
 | Brook des Mineurs a) between its confluence with the Cascapedia river and the limit of the Dunière wildlife reserve (48°38'35" N., 66°24'05" W.). |
 | Brook des Mineurs b) between the limit of the Dunière wildlife reserve (48°38'35" N., 66°24'05" W.) and its source (48°39'29" N., 66°41'49" W.). |
 | Brook Malbaie (48°31'05" N., 64°33'39" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status) |
 | Brook Mann between its point of confluence with the Nouvelle river (48°09'48'' N., 66°21'46" W.) and a point 50 m upstream from the mouth of Mann-Est brook (48°09'48" N., 66°21'49" W.). |
 | Brook Mourier  |
 | Lake à Francis (49°12'46" N., 65°14'04" W.) |
 | Lake à la Truite (49°02'17" N., 66°19'46" W.)  |
 | Lake au Saumon (48°25'13" N., 67°19'34" W.)  |
 | Lake D'Amours (49°02'32" N., 64°31'14" W.) |
 | Lake de la Ferme (49°08'10" N., 65°14'39" W.) |
 | Lake de Saint-Damase (48°39'13" N., 67°48'33" W.)  |
 | Lake du Moulin (49°03'14" N., 64°29'39" O.)  |
 | Lake du Portage (48°39'05" N., 67°35'27" W.)  |
 | Lake J'arrive (49°14'56" N., 65°22'34" W.) |
 | Lake Matapédia (48°33'20" N., 67°33'57" W.) That part between in a strip with a maximum depth of 3 m along the south shore of this body of water and between the mouth of the Sayabec River, at Sayabec (48°34'18" N., 67°40'11" W.) and the point at Boudreault, at Amqui (48°31'04'' N., 67°28'08'' W.).  |
 | Lake Saint-Ignace (49°01'31" N., 66°22'12" W.)  |
 | Lake York (48°58'03" N., 65°25'34" W.) |
 | National Park de la Gaspésie |
 | River à Gagnon (48°27'59" N., 64°31'00" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status) |
 | River Angers - That part between its confluence with the Cascapedia River (48°18'35,63" N., 65°57'46,24" W.) and its source (48°14'46,84" N., 66°12'56,47" W.). |
 | River Assemetquagan a) between its confluence with the rivière Matapédia (48°04'54" N., 67°05'50" W.) and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°04'44" N., 67°05'49"W.). |
 | River Assemetquagan b) between and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°04'44" N., 67°05'49"W.) and its confluence with Creux brook (48°11'28" N., 67°01'07"W.). |
 | River Assemetquagan c) between its confluence with Creux brook (48°11'28" N., 67°01'07" W.) and its source (48°19'47" N., 66°49'25" W.). |
 | River Beattie between the downstream side of the rue de la Plage bridge (de la Crevette Rose bridge (48°34'56" N., 64°17'32" W.) in Percé) and the downstream side of the Route 132 bridge. |
 | River Bonaventure Ouest  |
 | River Bonaventure a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the downstream side of the old Highway 132 bridges (48°02'49" N., 65°28'14" W.). |
 | River Bonaventure b) between the downstream side of the old bridges of Route 132 (48°02'49" N., 65°28'14" W.) and fosse du Malin (48°06'11" N., 65°27'37" W.) |
 | River Bonaventure c) between fosse du Malin (48°06'11" N., 65°27'37" W.) and a point 100 m upstream from the Double Crossing salmon pool (48°26'41,88" N., 65°28'6,08" W.). |
 | River Bonaventure d) between a point situated 100 m upstream from the Double Crossing salmon pool (48°26'41,88" N., 65°28'6,08" W.) and a point situated 100 m downstream from Petit lac Bonaventure (48°47'23,68" N., 65°34'18,28" W.). |
 | River Bonaventure e) between a point situated 100 m downstream from Petit lac Bonaventure (48°47'23,68" N., 65°34'18,28" W.) and the southern limit of the Chic-Chocs Wildlife Sanctuary (48°49'29" N., 65°35'42" W.). |
 | River Bonaventure f) between the southern boundary of the Chic-Chocs Wildlife Sanctuary (48°49'29" N., 65°35'42" W.) and the source of Bonaventure river. |
 | River Branche de l'Est (48°35'30" N., 64°42'03" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status). |
 | River Branche du Lac between its mouth (48°40'22" N., 66°11'57" W.) and lac Huard (48°38'20" N., 66°24'00" W.). |
 | River Cap-Chat a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the downstream side of the foundations of the old Highway 132 bridge (corresponding to a straight line connecting the points 49°05'49,56" N., 66°40'46,68" W. et 49°05'51,17" N., 66°40'42,89" W.)(as well as its tributaries frequented by salmon) (See also zone 21) |
 | River Cap-Chat b) between the foundations of the old Highway 132 bridge (corresponding to a straight line connecting the points 49°05'49,56" N., 66°40'46,68" W. et 49°05'51,17" N., 66°40'42,89" W.) and a point 30 m upstream from the Pineault salmon pool (48°51'53,18" N., 66°47'2,47" W.) (as well as its tributaries frequented by salmon) |
 | River Cap-Chat c) between a point 30 m upstream from the Pineault salmon pool (48°51'53,18" N., 66°47'2,47" W.) and the mouth of the Bascon brook (48°49'47" N., 66°45'07" W.) (as well as its tributaries frequented by salmon) |
 | River Cap-Chat d) between the mouth of the Bascon brook (48°49'47" N., 66°45'07" W.) and the falls near Beaulieu brook (48°48'57,49" N., 66°45'5,78" W.) (as well as its tributaries frequented by salmon) |
 | River Cascapédia a) between the downstream side of the pillars of the old Highway 132 bridge (corresponding to a straight line connecting the points 48°12'46,56'' N., 65°54'7,70'' W. and 48°12'45,04'' N., 65°54'1,08'' W.) and Gérard-D.-Levesque bridges located Cascapédia-Saint-Jules. |
 | River Cascapédia b) between Gérard-D.-Lévesque bridges located Cascapédia-Saint-Jules and the Dix-septième mille waterfall (48°49'4,98'' N., 66°21'12,12'' W.). |
 | River Cascapédia c) between the fall of Dix-septième mile (48°49'4,98'' N., 66°21'12,12'' W.) and the southern limit of parc national de la Gaspésie (48°49'33" N., 66°20'29" W.). |
 | River Causapscal a) between its confluence with the rivière Matapédia (48°21'13" N., 67°13'21" W.) and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°21'14" N., 67°13'18" W.). |
 | River Causapscal b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°21'14" N., 67°13'18" W.) and a straight line perpendicular to the current 50 m upstream from the Martel salmon pool (48°27'53" N., 67°13'47" W.). |
 | River Causapscal c) between a straight line perpendicular to the current situated 50 m upstream from the Martel salmon pool (48°27'53" N., 67°13'47" W.) and its source (48°29'06" N., 66°46'58" W.). |
 | River Dartmouth a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the downstream side of the Bouchard bridge at Corte-Real. |
 | River Dartmouth b) between the downstream side of the Bouchard bridge at Corte-Real, and the end of sector 6 (49°01'44" N., 64°45'41.8" W.) of the Dartmouth River zec. |
 | River Dartmouth c) between the end of sector 6 (49°01'44" N., 64°45'42" W.) and the end of sector 7 (49°01'58" N., 64°46'04" W.) of the Dartmouth River. |
 | River Dartmouth d) between the end of sector 7 (49°01'58" N., 64°46'04" W.) from Zec Riviere-Dartmouth to the source of the Dartmouth River (48°52'44,28" N., 64°59'26,55" W.). |
 | River de Mont-Louis between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and its confluence with its tributary coming from Lake Haroué (49°03'57" N., 65°37'50" W.). |
 | River du Grand Pabos Ouest a) between the downstream side of the CN bridges and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges. |
 | River du Grand Pabos Ouest b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the mouth of Laroche Brook (48°18'60" N., 64°52'06" W.). |
 | River du Grand Pabos Ouest c) between the mouth of Laroche Brook (48°18'60" N., 64°52'06" W.) and its source. |
 | River du Grand Pabos a) between the downstream side of the CN bridges and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges. |
 | River du Grand Pabos b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a point situated at Grosses Chutes (48°24'16" N., 64°57'35" W.). |
 | River du Grand Pabos c) between a point situated at Grosses Chutes (48°24'16" N., 64°57'35" W.) and its source (48°32'46,13" N., 65°13'49,69" W.). |
 | River du Petit Pabos a) between the downstream side of the CN bridges and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges. |
 | River du Petit Pabos b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the mouth of 18-mile brook (48°28'12" N., 64°45'50" W.). |
 | River du Petit Pabos c) between the mouth of 18-mile brook (48°28'12" N., 64°45'50" W.) and its source (48°33'20,96" N., 65°01'19,76" W.). |
 | River Escuminac That part between its mouth and its source |
 | River Garin  |
 | River Grande Rivière Est (48°29'45" N., 64°33'46" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status) |
 | River Grande Rivière Nord (48°35'33" N., 64°42'17" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status). |
 | River Grande Rivière Ouest (48°27'21" N., 64°32'08" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status) |
 | River Hall between its confluence with Bonaventure river (48°05'10" N., 65°26'25" W.) and the hydroelectric dam (48°09'16" N., 65°20'49" W.). |
 | River La Grande Rivière a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a point 25 m downstream from the fish barrier (48°32'01" N., 64°38'07" W.) (see also zone 21) |
 | River La Grande Rivière b) between a point 25 m downstream from the fish barrier (48°32'01" N., 64°38'07" W.) and the Trois-Fourches (48°35'33" N., 64°42'14" W.) (see also zone 21) |
 | River Madeleine a) between a straight line passing through Cap de la Madeleine at point 49°15'00'' N., 65°19'26.4" W. and pointe de la Dune on eastside of that rivier at point 49°14'55.68" N., 65°19'22.8" W. and dowstream side of the route 132 |
 | River Madeleine b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a straight line passing through a point situated 23 m downstream of the lower entrance of the Madeleine River fishway |
 | River Madeleine c) between a straight line passing through a point situated 23 m downstream of the lower entrance of the Madeleine River fishway and the mouth of Tremblay brook (49°11'21" N., 65°17'14" W.). |
 | River Madeleine d) between the mouth of Tremblay brook (49°11'21" N., 65°17'14" W.) and the southern limit of the La Rivière township (48°58'22" N., 65°42'44" W.). |
 | River Madeleine e) between the southern limit of the La Rivière township (48°58'22" N., 65°42'44" W.) and the southern limit of the parc national de la Gaspésie (48°53'18" N., 65°56'39" W.). |
 | River Malbaie a) between the downstream side of the rue de la Plage bridge (de la Crevette Rose bridge (48°34'56" N., 64°17'32" W.), Percé city) and the downstream side of the Route 132 bridge. |
 | River Malbaie b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and its source. |
 | River Matane a) that part between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°51'07" N., 67°31'52' W.) and a straight line passing through a point 45 m downstream from the Mathieu-d'Amours dam (48°50'51" N., 67°31'43" W.). (see also zone 21) |
 | River Matane b) that part between a straight line passing through a point 45 m downstream from the Mathieu-d'Amours dam (48°50'51" N., 67°31'43' W.) and the dam itself (48°50'39" N., 67°31'44' W.) (see also zone 21) |
 | River Matane c) that part between the Mathieu-d'Amours dam (48°50'39" N., 67°31'44' W.) and a straight line joining the point 48°38'46" N., 67°16'51.3" W. on the north bank and the point 48°38'44.55" N., 67°16'51 .3" W. on the south bank.  |
 | River Matane d) that part of the Cap Seize pool between a straight line joining the point 48°38'46" N., 67°16'51.3" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'44 .5" N., 67°16'51.3" W. on the south shore, and a straight line joining the point 48°38'45" N., 67°16'49" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'44" N., 67°16'50" W. on the south shore  |
 | River Matane e) that part of Cap Seize pool between a straight line joining the point 48°38'45" N., 67°16'49" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'44"N, 67°16'50" W. on the south shore, and a straight line joining the point 48°38'45" N., 67°16'48" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'43" N., 67°16'48" W. on the south shore. |
 | River Matane f) that part between a straight line joining the point 48°38'45" N., 67°16'48" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'43" N., 67°16'48" W. on the south shore and a straight line passing through a point 180 m downstream from the mouth of the rivière Bonjour (48°41'09" N., 66°58'27' W.) |
 | River Matane g) that part between a straight line passing through a point 180 m downstream from the mouth of the rivière Bonjour (48°41'09" N., 66°58'27' W.) and the lac Matane dam (48°41'25" N., 66°58'18' W.). |
 | River Matapédia a) between the line of confluence with the rivière Ristigouche (47°58'14" N., 66°56'34' W.) and a straight line perpendicular to the current 50 m upstream (48°58'16" N., 66°56'36' W.). |
 | River Matapédia b) between a line perpendicular to the current 50 m upstream from its mouth passing through the point (47°58'16" N., 66°56'36'' W.)and the downstream side of the CN bridge at Millstream (48°03'51" N., 67°06'13'' W.). |
 | River Matapédia c) between the downstream side of the CN railway bridge at Millstream (48°03'51" N., 67°06'13'' W.) and the downstream side of the Causapscal bridge (48°21'18" N., 67°13'27'' W.). |
 | River Matapédia d) between the downstream side of the Causapscal bridge (48°21'18" N., 67°13'27'' W.) and the downstream side of the bridge facing the church in Amqui (48°27'58" N., 67°25'46'' W.), except for lac Au Saumon. |
 | River Mitis a) between its mouth (48°37'51" N., 68°08'01'' W.)and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (Bergeron bridge) (48°37'33" N., 68°07'52'' W.). |
 | River Mitis b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°37'33" N., 68°07'52' W.).(Bergeron bridge) and the farthest upstream limit of the Immeubles Boisbrillant property (48°37'12" N., 68°08'21" W.). (see also zone 2) |
 | River Mitis c) between the farthest upstream limit of the Immeubles Boisbrillant property (48°37'12" N., 68°08'21" W.) and the Mitis-2 dam. (48°37'08" N., 68°08'22'' W.) (see also zone 2). |
 | River Mitis d) between the Mitis-2 dam (48°37'08" N., 68°08'22' W.) and the Highway 132 bridge (48°32'47" N., 68°07'53'' W.) at Sainte-Angèle-de-Mérici. (see also zone 2) |
 | River Murphy between the downstream side of the rue de la Plage bridge (de la Crevette Rose bridge (48°34'56" N., 64°17'32" W.), Percé city) and the downstream side of the Route 132 bridge. |
 | River Nouvelle a) between the mouth of Cloche brook (48°06'53" N., 66°16'53" W.) and a point 25 m upstream from the mouth of Petite rivière Nouvelle (48°18'08" N., 66°30'44" W.). |
 | River Nouvelle b) between a point situated 25 m upstream from the mouth of Petite rivière Nouvelle (48°18'08" N., 66°30'44" W.) and the falls located at point 48°24'54" N., 66°30'53" W. |
 | River Petite rivière Cap-Chat between its confluence with the Cap-Chat river and its source. |
 | River Petite rivière Cascapédia Est between its mouth (48°22'02" N., 65°45'49" W.) and the mouth of Lesseps stream (48°41'07" N., 65°47'27" W.) |
 | River Petite rivière Cascapédia Est between the mouth of Lesseps stream (48°41'07" N., 65°47'27" W.) and its source. |
 | River Petite rivière Cascapédia Ouest between its mouth (48°22'01" N., 65°45'55" W.) and the mouth of the Six Miles brook (48°42'59" N., 65°59'07" W.) |
 | River Petite rivière Cascapédia Ouest between the mouth of the Six Miles brook (48°42'59" N., 65°59'07" W.) and its source. |
 | River Petite rivière Cascapédia a) between the downstream side of the Perron boulevard bridge and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge. |
 | River Petite rivière Cascapédia b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 and a point representing the extension of the limit line of rangs V and VI of the Township of New Richmond corresponding to the downstream boundary of Zec Petite rivière Cascapédia (48° 12'57" N., 65°45'42" W.). |
 | River Petite rivière Cascapédia c) between a point representing the extension of the limit line of rangs V and VI of the Township of New Richmond corresponding to the downstream boundary of Zec Petite rivière Cascapédia (48°12'57" N., 65°45'42" W.) and the forks of Petite rivière Cascapédia Est (48°22'02" N., 65°45'49" W.)a nd Petite rivière Cascapédia Ouest (48°22'01" N., 65°45'55" W.). |
 | River Petite rivière Matane  |
 | River Petite rivière Nouvelle between its mouth (48°18'08" N., 66°30'44" W.) and a point situated at a point 50 m upstream from the mouth of the Catalonia stream (48°23'45"N., 66°45'02" W.). |
 | River Petite rivière Port-Daniel between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and its source. |
 | River Pineault (ruisseau Pineault) - That part between its confluence with the Cap-Chat river and its source. |
 | River Portage between the downstream side of the rue de la Plage bridge (de la Crevette Rose bridge (48°34'56" N., 64°17'32" W.), Percé city) and the downstream side of the Route 132 bridge. |
 | River Port-Daniel du Milieu (48°11'49" N., 64°58'32" W.). |
 | River Port-Daniel a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the rivière Port-Daniel bridge, Rang VI (48°13'07" N., 64°57'23" W.). |
 | River Port-Daniel b) between the rivière Port-Daniel bridge (Rang VI) and the fish barrier at point 48°15'04" N., 64°58'08" W. |
 | River Port-Daniel c) between the fish barrier at point 48°15'04" N., 64°58'08" W. and its source. |
 | River Reboul  |
 | River Ristigouche a) between a line running from one bank to the other from Coulée Ferguson in Québec to Ruisseau Copeland in New Brunswick and the CN railway bridge at Matapédia (48°21'01" N., 67°13'36" W.). (see also zone 2) |
 | River Ristigouche b) between the CN railway bridge at Matapédia (48°21'01" N., 67°13'36" W.) and the mouth of the rivière Matapédia (48°28'17" N., 67°26'08" W.). (see also zone 2) |
 | River Ristigouche between Campbellton bridge and a line running from one bank to the other from Coulée Ferguson in Québec to Ruisseau Copeland in New Brunswick. (see also zone 2).This sector does not have the status of a salmon river. |
 | River Sainte-Anne Nord-Est between its confluence with the Sainte-Anne River (48°56'55" N., 66°07'41" W.) and its source. |
 | River Sainte-Anne a) between the downstream side of the 1st Avenue Ouest bridge in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge. (see also zone 21) |
 | River Sainte-Anne b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the northern limit of the parc national de la Gaspésie (48°58'57" N., 66°24'11" W.). |
 | River Sainte-Anne c) between the northern limit of the parc national de la Gaspésie (48°58'57" N., 66°24'11" W.) and the falls located near Gîte du Mont-Albert (48°56'26" N., 66°07'27" W.). |
 | River Saint-Jean Sud  |
 | River Saint-Jean a) between a line drawn across the river from the boundary separating lots 1 and D (Rang 1, Haldimand) to the boundary separating lots 12 and 13 (Rang Nord-Ouest-de-la-Ville), corresponding to a straight line joining points 48°47'23,5" N., 64°23'23" W. and 48°46'11,5" N., 64°23'32" W., and the boundary line of York and Douglas townships corresponding to a straight line joining points 48°46'18" N., 64°27'02" W. and 48°46'14" N., 64°27'02" W. (as well as the tributaries frequented by salmon) |
 | River Saint-Jean b) between the boundary separating York and Douglas townships, corresponding to a straight line joining points 48°46'18" N., 64°27'02" W. and 48°46'14" N., 64°27'02" W., and the mouth of Sirois brook (48°43'18,15'' N., 65°03'58,51'' W.) (as well as the tributaries frequented by salmon)  |
 | River Saint-Jean between the limit of the downstream side of the lagoon (including the downstream side of the CN bridge) and a line drawn across the river, from the boundary separating Lots 1 and D (Rang 1, Haldimand) to the boundary separating Lots 12 and 13 (Rang Nord-Ouest-de-la-Ville), corresponding to a straight line joining points 48°47'23,5" N., 64°23'23" W. and 48°46'11,5" N., 64°23'32" W. This sector does not have the status of a salmon river. |
 | River Saint-Jean c) between the mouth of the Sirois brook (48°43'18,15'' N., 65°03'58,51'' W.) and the mouth of the Saint-Jean Sud river (48°43 '06" N., 65° 06'11" W.) (as well as the tributaries frequented by salmon)  |
 | River Saint-Jean d) between the mouth of the Saint-Jean South River (48°43'06" N., 65°06'11" W.) and the source of the Saint-Jean River (as well as the tributaries frequented by salmon) |
 | River York a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a line drawn across the river joining the boundary separating lots 22 and 23 (48°49'51" N., 64°34'20" W.) to the boundary separating lots 17 and 18 (Rang 1, York township) (48°49'07" N., 64°34'28" W.). |
 | River York b) between a line drawn across the river from the boundary separating lots 22 and 23 (48°49'51" N., 64°34'20" W.), to the boundary separating lots 17 and 18 (Rang 1, York township) (48°49'07" N., 64°34'28" W.), and the downstream side of Wakeham bridge. |
 | River York c.1) between the downstream side of the Wakeham bridge and the mouth of the Patch stream (48°55'37" N., 65° 06'36" W.) |
 | River York c.2) between the mouth of Patch brook (48°55'37" N., 65°06'36" W.) and the mouth of Castor brook (48°53'17" N., 65°11'25" W.) |
 | River York d) between the mouth of Castor brook (48°53'17" N., 65°11'25" W.) and the outlet of lac York (48°56'59" N., 65°25'11" W.). |
 | Wildlife Reserve de Dunière |
 | Wildlife Reserve de Matane |
 | Wildlife Reserve de Port-Daniel |
 | Wildlife Reserve des Chic-Chocs |
 | Zec Baillargeon |
 | Zec Cap-Chat |
 | Zec Casault |
 | Zec des Anses |