Sport fishing in Québec
Fishing periods, limits and exceptions

For fishing periods, limits and exceptions for the site where you want to fish, use the interactive map or search filters below.

Using the search tool

Use the search filters to target the fishing zone and the body of water where you want to fish (to know your fishing zone, consult the interactive map).

For information on current fishing periods, limits and exceptions:

  1. Select the fiching zone.
  2. Check whether the body of water you are searching for is on the "Bodies of Water – Regulatory Exceptions" list. If not, the zone rules will apply.
  3. Select the species you wish to fish for.

You can also narrow the search results to the rules currently in force, by checking the box provided for this purpose.

If the body of water you are looking for is not on the proposed list, it is because the applicable rules are the same as those of the zone.

You must also consult the "News" section to see if any regulatory changes made during the season affect your body of water.

IMPORTANT: catch limits and fishing periods that apply in wildlife territories may differ from those mentioned here. In these cases, you will be informed on the spot. Make sure you understand the different limits.

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  • The New icon icon indicates a change from the previous season.
  • The Salmon river icon icon indicates that the body of water has salmon river status.
  • The Winter fishing icon icon indicates that fishing is allowed in winter.

Fishing periods, limits and exceptions for zone 1

Catch limit 
Fishing device 
CollapseRules for the zone
 CollapsePeriodFrom May 15th, 2024 to September 10th, 2024 poisson
Char (arctic char, brook trout) poisson
10 in all with at most 2 artic char  
Lake Trout and Splake Trout
2 in allA length limit may apply for this species. Check the applicable limits for this zone.Angling only
Landlocked Salmon
3 Angling only
Rainbow Smelt
Striped Bass
3 of 50 to 65 cm inclusively All except angling only with a single hook, without natural bait, for a maximum of 3 hooks on the line
Yellow Perch
 CollapsePeriodFrom June 1st, 2024 to August 31st, 2024
Atlantic salmon
1 small fish caught and retained or 3 caught and released according to the quota caught firstA length limit may apply for this species. Check the applicable limits for this zone.Angling only
 CollapsePeriodFrom May 15th, 2024 to September 10th, 2024- Other species poisson
  no limit  

Bodies of water – Regulatory exceptions

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Catch limit 
Fishing device 
ExpandBrook Blanc (tributary of Ruisseau Malbaie) (48°31'48" N., 64°32'47" W.) This sector does not have a salmon river status.
ExpandBrook des Mineurs saumon a) between its confluence with the Cascapedia river and the limit of the Dunière wildlife reserve (48°38'35" N., 66°24'05" W.).
ExpandBrook des Mineurs saumon b) between the limit of the Dunière wildlife reserve (48°38'35" N., 66°24'05" W.) and its source (48°39'29" N., 66°41'49" W.).
ExpandBrook Malbaie (48°31'05" N., 64°33'39" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status)
ExpandBrook Mann saumon between its point of confluence with the Nouvelle river (48°09'48'' N., 66°21'46" W.) and a point 50 m upstream from the mouth of Mann-Est brook (48°09'48" N., 66°21'49" W.).
ExpandBrook Mourier saumon
ExpandLake à Francis (49°12'46" N., 65°14'04" W.)
ExpandLake à la Truite (49°02'17" N., 66°19'46" W.) hiver
ExpandLake au Saumon (48°25'13" N., 67°19'34" W.) hiver
ExpandLake D'Amours (49°02'32" N., 64°31'14" W.)
ExpandLake de la Ferme (49°08'10" N., 65°14'39" W.)
ExpandLake de Saint-Damase (48°39'13" N., 67°48'33" W.) hiver
ExpandLake du Moulin (49°03'14" N., 64°29'39" O.) hiver
ExpandLake du Portage (48°39'05" N., 67°35'27" W.) hiver
ExpandLake J'arrive (49°14'56" N., 65°22'34" W.)
ExpandLake Matapédia (48°33'20" N., 67°33'57" W.) That part between in a strip with a maximum depth of 3 m along the south shore of this body of water and between the mouth of the Sayabec River, at Sayabec (48°34'18" N., 67°40'11" W.) and the point at Boudreault, at Amqui (48°31'04'' N., 67°28'08'' W.). hiver
ExpandLake Saint-Ignace (49°01'31" N., 66°22'12" W.) hiver
ExpandLake York (48°58'03" N., 65°25'34" W.)
ExpandNational Park de la Gaspésie
ExpandRiver à Gagnon (48°27'59" N., 64°31'00" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status)
ExpandRiver Angers saumon - That part between its confluence with the Cascapedia River (48°18'35,63" N., 65°57'46,24" W.) and its source (48°14'46,84" N., 66°12'56,47" W.).
ExpandRiver Assemetquagan saumon a) between its confluence with the rivière Matapédia (48°04'54" N., 67°05'50" W.) and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°04'44" N., 67°05'49"W.).
ExpandRiver Assemetquagan saumon b) between and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°04'44" N., 67°05'49"W.) and its confluence with Creux brook (48°11'28" N., 67°01'07"W.).
ExpandRiver Assemetquagan saumon c) between its confluence with Creux brook (48°11'28" N., 67°01'07" W.) and its source (48°19'47" N., 66°49'25" W.).
ExpandRiver Beattie between the downstream side of the rue de la Plage bridge (de la Crevette Rose bridge (48°34'56" N., 64°17'32" W.) in Percé) and the downstream side of the Route 132 bridge.
ExpandRiver Bonaventure Ouest saumon
ExpandRiver Bonaventure saumon a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the downstream side of the old Highway 132 bridges (48°02'49" N., 65°28'14" W.).
ExpandRiver Bonaventure saumon b) between the downstream side of the old bridges of Route 132 (48°02'49" N., 65°28'14" W.) and fosse du Malin (48°06'11" N., 65°27'37" W.)
ExpandRiver Bonaventure saumon c) between fosse du Malin (48°06'11" N., 65°27'37" W.) and a point 100 m upstream from the Double Crossing salmon pool (48°26'41,88" N., 65°28'6,08" W.).
ExpandRiver Bonaventure saumon d) between a point situated 100 m upstream from the Double Crossing salmon pool (48°26'41,88" N., 65°28'6,08" W.) and a point situated 100 m downstream from Petit lac Bonaventure (48°47'23,68" N., 65°34'18,28" W.).
ExpandRiver Bonaventure saumon e) between a point situated 100 m downstream from Petit lac Bonaventure (48°47'23,68" N., 65°34'18,28" W.) and the southern limit of the Chic-Chocs Wildlife Sanctuary (48°49'29" N., 65°35'42" W.).
ExpandRiver Bonaventure saumon f) between the southern boundary of the Chic-Chocs Wildlife Sanctuary (48°49'29" N., 65°35'42" W.) and the source of Bonaventure river.
ExpandRiver Branche de l'Est (48°35'30" N., 64°42'03" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status).
ExpandRiver Branche du Lac saumon between its mouth (48°40'22" N., 66°11'57" W.) and lac Huard (48°38'20" N., 66°24'00" W.).
ExpandRiver Cap-Chat saumon a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the downstream side of the foundations of the old Highway 132 bridge (corresponding to a straight line connecting the points 49°05'49,56" N., 66°40'46,68" W. et 49°05'51,17" N., 66°40'42,89" W.)(as well as its tributaries frequented by salmon) (See also zone 21)
ExpandRiver Cap-Chat saumon b) between the foundations of the old Highway 132 bridge (corresponding to a straight line connecting the points 49°05'49,56" N., 66°40'46,68" W. et 49°05'51,17" N., 66°40'42,89" W.) and a point 30 m upstream from the Pineault salmon pool (48°51'53,18" N., 66°47'2,47" W.) (as well as its tributaries frequented by salmon)
ExpandRiver Cap-Chat saumon c) between a point 30 m upstream from the Pineault salmon pool (48°51'53,18" N., 66°47'2,47" W.) and the mouth of the Bascon brook (48°49'47" N., 66°45'07" W.) (as well as its tributaries frequented by salmon)
ExpandRiver Cap-Chat saumon d) between the mouth of the Bascon brook (48°49'47" N., 66°45'07" W.) and the falls near Beaulieu brook (48°48'57,49" N., 66°45'5,78" W.) (as well as its tributaries frequented by salmon)
ExpandRiver Cascapédia saumon a) between the downstream side of the pillars of the old Highway 132 bridge (corresponding to a straight line connecting the points 48°12'46,56'' N., 65°54'7,70'' W. and 48°12'45,04'' N., 65°54'1,08'' W.) and Gérard-D.-Levesque bridges located Cascapédia-Saint-Jules.
ExpandRiver Cascapédia saumon b) between Gérard-D.-Lévesque bridges located Cascapédia-Saint-Jules and the Dix-septième mille waterfall (48°49'4,98'' N., 66°21'12,12'' W.).
ExpandRiver Cascapédia saumon c) between the fall of Dix-septième mile (48°49'4,98'' N., 66°21'12,12'' W.) and the southern limit of parc national de la Gaspésie (48°49'33" N., 66°20'29" W.).
ExpandRiver Causapscal saumon a) between its confluence with the rivière Matapédia (48°21'13" N., 67°13'21" W.) and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°21'14" N., 67°13'18" W.).
ExpandRiver Causapscal saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°21'14" N., 67°13'18" W.) and a straight line perpendicular to the current 50 m upstream from the Martel salmon pool (48°27'53" N., 67°13'47" W.).
ExpandRiver Causapscal saumon c) between a straight line perpendicular to the current situated 50 m upstream from the Martel salmon pool (48°27'53" N., 67°13'47" W.) and its source (48°29'06" N., 66°46'58" W.).
ExpandRiver Dartmouth saumon a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the downstream side of the Bouchard bridge at Corte-Real.
ExpandRiver Dartmouth saumon b) between the downstream side of the Bouchard bridge at Corte-Real, and the end of sector 6 (49°01'44" N., 64°45'41.8" W.) of the Dartmouth River zec.
ExpandRiver Dartmouth saumon c) between the end of sector 6 (49°01'44" N., 64°45'42" W.) and the end of sector 7 (49°01'58" N., 64°46'04" W.) of the Dartmouth River.
ExpandRiver Dartmouth saumon d) between the end of sector 7 (49°01'58" N., 64°46'04" W.) from Zec Riviere-Dartmouth to the source of the Dartmouth River (48°52'44,28" N., 64°59'26,55" W.).
ExpandRiver de Mont-Louis saumon between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and its confluence with its tributary coming from Lake Haroué (49°03'57" N., 65°37'50" W.).
ExpandRiver du Grand Pabos Ouest saumon a) between the downstream side of the CN bridges and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges.
ExpandRiver du Grand Pabos Ouest saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the mouth of Laroche Brook (48°18'60" N., 64°52'06" W.).
ExpandRiver du Grand Pabos Ouest saumon c) between the mouth of Laroche Brook (48°18'60" N., 64°52'06" W.) and its source.
ExpandRiver du Grand Pabos saumon a) between the downstream side of the CN bridges and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges.
ExpandRiver du Grand Pabos saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a point situated at Grosses Chutes (48°24'16" N., 64°57'35" W.).
ExpandRiver du Grand Pabos saumon c) between a point situated at Grosses Chutes (48°24'16" N., 64°57'35" W.) and its source (48°32'46,13" N., 65°13'49,69" W.).
ExpandRiver du Petit Pabos saumon a) between the downstream side of the CN bridges and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges.
ExpandRiver du Petit Pabos saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the mouth of 18-mile brook (48°28'12" N., 64°45'50" W.).
ExpandRiver du Petit Pabos saumon c) between the mouth of 18-mile brook (48°28'12" N., 64°45'50" W.) and its source (48°33'20,96" N., 65°01'19,76" W.).
ExpandRiver Escuminac That part between its mouth and its source
ExpandRiver Garin saumon
ExpandRiver Grande Rivière Est (48°29'45" N., 64°33'46" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status)
ExpandRiver Grande Rivière Nord (48°35'33" N., 64°42'17" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status).
ExpandRiver Grande Rivière Ouest (48°27'21" N., 64°32'08" W.) (this sector does not have a salmon river status)
ExpandRiver Hall saumon between its confluence with Bonaventure river (48°05'10" N., 65°26'25" W.) and the hydroelectric dam (48°09'16" N., 65°20'49" W.).
ExpandRiver La Grande Rivière saumon a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a point 25 m downstream from the fish barrier (48°32'01" N., 64°38'07" W.) (see also zone 21)
ExpandRiver La Grande Rivière saumon b) between a point 25 m downstream from the fish barrier (48°32'01" N., 64°38'07" W.) and the Trois-Fourches (48°35'33" N., 64°42'14" W.) (see also zone 21)
ExpandRiver Madeleine a) between a straight line passing through Cap de la Madeleine at point 49°15'00'' N., 65°19'26.4" W. and pointe de la Dune on eastside of that rivier at point 49°14'55.68" N., 65°19'22.8" W. and dowstream side of the route 132
ExpandRiver Madeleine saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a straight line passing through a point situated 23 m downstream of the lower entrance of the Madeleine River fishway
ExpandRiver Madeleine saumon c) between a straight line passing through a point situated 23 m downstream of the lower entrance of the Madeleine River fishway and the mouth of Tremblay brook (49°11'21" N., 65°17'14" W.).
ExpandRiver Madeleine saumon d) between the mouth of Tremblay brook (49°11'21" N., 65°17'14" W.) and the southern limit of the La Rivière township (48°58'22" N., 65°42'44" W.).
ExpandRiver Madeleine saumon e) between the southern limit of the La Rivière township (48°58'22" N., 65°42'44" W.) and the southern limit of the parc national de la Gaspésie (48°53'18" N., 65°56'39" W.).
ExpandRiver Malbaie saumon a) between the downstream side of the rue de la Plage bridge (de la Crevette Rose bridge (48°34'56" N., 64°17'32" W.), Percé city) and the downstream side of the Route 132 bridge.
ExpandRiver Malbaie saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and its source.
ExpandRiver Matane saumon a) that part between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°51'07" N., 67°31'52' W.) and a straight line passing through a point 45 m downstream from the Mathieu-d'Amours dam (48°50'51" N., 67°31'43" W.). (see also zone 21)
ExpandRiver Matane saumon b) that part between a straight line passing through a point 45 m downstream from the Mathieu-d'Amours dam (48°50'51" N., 67°31'43' W.) and the dam itself (48°50'39" N., 67°31'44' W.) (see also zone 21)
ExpandRiver Matane saumon c) that part between the Mathieu-d'Amours dam (48°50'39" N., 67°31'44' W.) and a straight line joining the point 48°38'46" N., 67°16'51.3" W. on the north bank and the point 48°38'44.55" N., 67°16'51 .3" W. on the south bank. poisson
ExpandRiver Matane saumon d) that part of the Cap Seize pool between a straight line joining the point 48°38'46" N., 67°16'51.3" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'44 .5" N., 67°16'51.3" W. on the south shore, and a straight line joining the point 48°38'45" N., 67°16'49" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'44" N., 67°16'50" W. on the south shore poisson
ExpandRiver Matane saumon e) that part of Cap Seize pool between a straight line joining the point 48°38'45" N., 67°16'49" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'44"N, 67°16'50" W. on the south shore, and a straight line joining the point 48°38'45" N., 67°16'48" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'43" N., 67°16'48" W. on the south shore.
ExpandRiver Matane saumon f) that part between a straight line joining the point 48°38'45" N., 67°16'48" W. on the north shore and the point 48°38'43" N., 67°16'48" W. on the south shore and a straight line passing through a point 180 m downstream from the mouth of the rivière Bonjour (48°41'09" N., 66°58'27' W.)
ExpandRiver Matane saumon g) that part between a straight line passing through a point 180 m downstream from the mouth of the rivière Bonjour (48°41'09" N., 66°58'27' W.) and the lac Matane dam (48°41'25" N., 66°58'18' W.).
ExpandRiver Matapédia saumon a) between the line of confluence with the rivière Ristigouche (47°58'14" N., 66°56'34' W.) and a straight line perpendicular to the current 50 m upstream (48°58'16" N., 66°56'36' W.).
ExpandRiver Matapédia saumon b) between a line perpendicular to the current 50 m upstream from its mouth passing through the point (47°58'16" N., 66°56'36'' W.)and the downstream side of the CN bridge at Millstream (48°03'51" N., 67°06'13'' W.).
ExpandRiver Matapédia saumon c) between the downstream side of the CN railway bridge at Millstream (48°03'51" N., 67°06'13'' W.) and the downstream side of the Causapscal bridge (48°21'18" N., 67°13'27'' W.).
ExpandRiver Matapédia saumon d) between the downstream side of the Causapscal bridge (48°21'18" N., 67°13'27'' W.) and the downstream side of the bridge facing the church in Amqui (48°27'58" N., 67°25'46'' W.), except for lac Au Saumon.
ExpandRiver Mitis saumon a) between its mouth (48°37'51" N., 68°08'01'' W.)and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (Bergeron bridge) (48°37'33" N., 68°07'52'' W.).
ExpandRiver Mitis saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge (48°37'33" N., 68°07'52' W.).(Bergeron bridge) and the farthest upstream limit of the Immeubles Boisbrillant property (48°37'12" N., 68°08'21" W.). (see also zone 2)
ExpandRiver Mitis saumon c) between the farthest upstream limit of the Immeubles Boisbrillant property (48°37'12" N., 68°08'21" W.) and the Mitis-2 dam. (48°37'08" N., 68°08'22'' W.) (see also zone 2).
ExpandRiver Mitis saumon d) between the Mitis-2 dam (48°37'08" N., 68°08'22' W.) and the Highway 132 bridge (48°32'47" N., 68°07'53'' W.) at Sainte-Angèle-de-Mérici. (see also zone 2)
ExpandRiver Murphy between the downstream side of the rue de la Plage bridge (de la Crevette Rose bridge (48°34'56" N., 64°17'32" W.), Percé city) and the downstream side of the Route 132 bridge.
ExpandRiver Nouvelle saumon a) between the mouth of Cloche brook (48°06'53" N., 66°16'53" W.) and a point 25 m upstream from the mouth of Petite rivière Nouvelle (48°18'08" N., 66°30'44" W.).
ExpandRiver Nouvelle saumon b) between a point situated 25 m upstream from the mouth of Petite rivière Nouvelle (48°18'08" N., 66°30'44" W.) and the falls located at point 48°24'54" N., 66°30'53" W.
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Cap-Chat saumon between its confluence with the Cap-Chat river and its source.
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Cascapédia Est saumon between its mouth (48°22'02" N., 65°45'49" W.) and the mouth of Lesseps stream (48°41'07" N., 65°47'27" W.)
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Cascapédia Est saumon between the mouth of Lesseps stream (48°41'07" N., 65°47'27" W.) and its source.
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Cascapédia Ouest saumon between its mouth (48°22'01" N., 65°45'55" W.) and the mouth of the Six Miles brook (48°42'59" N., 65°59'07" W.)
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Cascapédia Ouest saumon between the mouth of the Six Miles brook (48°42'59" N., 65°59'07" W.) and its source.
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Cascapédia saumon a) between the downstream side of the Perron boulevard bridge and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge.
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Cascapédia saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 and a point representing the extension of the limit line of rangs V and VI of the Township of New Richmond corresponding to the downstream boundary of Zec Petite rivière Cascapédia (48° 12'57" N., 65°45'42" W.).
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Cascapédia saumon c) between a point representing the extension of the limit line of rangs V and VI of the Township of New Richmond corresponding to the downstream boundary of Zec Petite rivière Cascapédia (48°12'57" N., 65°45'42" W.) and the forks of Petite rivière Cascapédia Est (48°22'02" N., 65°45'49" W.)a nd Petite rivière Cascapédia Ouest (48°22'01" N., 65°45'55" W.).
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Matane saumon
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Nouvelle saumon between its mouth (48°18'08" N., 66°30'44" W.) and a point situated at a point 50 m upstream from the mouth of the Catalonia stream (48°23'45"N., 66°45'02" W.).
ExpandRiver Petite rivière Port-Daniel saumon between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and its source.
ExpandRiver Pineault (ruisseau Pineault) saumon - That part between its confluence with the Cap-Chat river and its source.
ExpandRiver Portage between the downstream side of the rue de la Plage bridge (de la Crevette Rose bridge (48°34'56" N., 64°17'32" W.), Percé city) and the downstream side of the Route 132 bridge.
ExpandRiver Port-Daniel du Milieu (48°11'49" N., 64°58'32" W.).
ExpandRiver Port-Daniel saumon a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the rivière Port-Daniel bridge, Rang VI (48°13'07" N., 64°57'23" W.).
ExpandRiver Port-Daniel saumon b) between the rivière Port-Daniel bridge (Rang VI) and the fish barrier at point 48°15'04" N., 64°58'08" W.
ExpandRiver Port-Daniel saumon c) between the fish barrier at point 48°15'04" N., 64°58'08" W. and its source.
ExpandRiver Reboul saumon
ExpandRiver Ristigouche saumon a) between a line running from one bank to the other from Coulée Ferguson in Québec to Ruisseau Copeland in New Brunswick and the CN railway bridge at Matapédia (47°58'36,5" N., 66°55'44" W.). (see also zone 2)
ExpandRiver Ristigouche saumon b) between the CN railway bridge at Matapédia (47°58'36,5" N., 66°55'44" W.) and the mouth of the rivière Matapédia (47°58'19" N., 66°56'26" W.). (see also zone 2)
ExpandRiver Ristigouche between Campbellton bridge and a line running from one bank to the other from Coulée Ferguson in Québec to Ruisseau Copeland in New Brunswick. (see also zone 2).This sector does not have the status of a salmon river.
ExpandRiver Sainte-Anne Nord-Est saumon between its confluence with the Sainte-Anne River (48°56'55" N., 66°07'41" W.) and its source.
ExpandRiver Sainte-Anne saumon a) between the downstream side of the 1st Avenue Ouest bridge in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts and the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge. (see also zone 21)
ExpandRiver Sainte-Anne saumon b) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the northern limit of the parc national de la Gaspésie (48°58'57" N., 66°24'11" W.).
ExpandRiver Sainte-Anne saumon c) between the northern limit of the parc national de la Gaspésie (48°58'57" N., 66°24'11" W.) and the falls located near Gîte du Mont-Albert (48°56'26" N., 66°07'27" W.).
ExpandRiver Saint-Jean Sud saumon
ExpandRiver Saint-Jean saumon a) between a line drawn across the river from the boundary separating lots 1 and D (Rang 1, Haldimand) to the boundary separating lots 12 and 13 (Rang Nord-Ouest-de-la-Ville), corresponding to a straight line joining points 48°47'23,5" N., 64°23'23" W. and 48°46'11,5" N., 64°23'32" W., and the boundary line of York and Douglas townships corresponding to a straight line joining points 48°46'18" N., 64°27'02" W. and 48°46'14" N., 64°27'02" W. (as well as the tributaries frequented by salmon)
ExpandRiver Saint-Jean saumon b) between the boundary separating York and Douglas townships, corresponding to a straight line joining points 48°46'18" N., 64°27'02" W. and 48°46'14" N., 64°27'02" W., and the mouth of Sirois brook (48°43'18,15'' N., 65°03'58,51'' W.) (as well as the tributaries frequented by salmon) poisson
ExpandRiver Saint-Jean between the limit of the downstream side of the lagoon (including the downstream side of the CN bridge) and a line drawn across the river, from the boundary separating Lots 1 and D (Rang 1, Haldimand) to the boundary separating Lots 12 and 13 (Rang Nord-Ouest-de-la-Ville), corresponding to a straight line joining points 48°47'23,5" N., 64°23'23" W. and 48°46'11,5" N., 64°23'32" W. This sector does not have the status of a salmon river.
ExpandRiver Saint-Jean saumon c) between the mouth of the Sirois brook (48°43'18,15'' N., 65°03'58,51'' W.) and the mouth of the Saint-Jean Sud river (48°43 '06" N., 65° 06'11" W.) (as well as the tributaries frequented by salmon) poisson
ExpandRiver Saint-Jean saumon d) between the mouth of the Saint-Jean South River (48°43'06" N., 65°06'11" W.) and the source of the Saint-Jean River (as well as the tributaries frequented by salmon)
ExpandRiver York saumon a) between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a line drawn across the river joining the boundary separating lots 22 and 23 (48°49'51" N., 64°34'20" W.) to the boundary separating lots 17 and 18 (Rang 1, York township) (48°49'07" N., 64°34'28" W.).
ExpandRiver York saumon b) between a line drawn across the river from the boundary separating lots 22 and 23 (48°49'51" N., 64°34'20" W.), to the boundary separating lots 17 and 18 (Rang 1, York township) (48°49'07" N., 64°34'28" W.), and the downstream side of Wakeham bridge.
ExpandRiver York saumon c.1) between the downstream side of the Wakeham bridge and the mouth of the Patch stream (48°55'37" N., 65° 06'36" W.)
ExpandRiver York saumon c.2) between the mouth of Patch brook (48°55'37" N., 65°06'36" W.) and the mouth of Castor brook (48°53'17" N., 65°11'25" W.)
ExpandRiver York saumon d) between the mouth of Castor brook (48°53'17" N., 65°11'25" W.) and the outlet of lac York (48°56'59" N., 65°25'11" W.).
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