| | |
 | Bay Amichinatwayasich (de l'Indien) - That part between a point situated at (53°52'18" N., 77°00'22" W.) and the falls situated upstream (53°52'32" N., 76°59'55" W.). |
 | Bay Chapus (53°29'12'' N., 77°08'09'' W.) |
 | Bay unnamed (of the Airport) - That part between a straight line joining points (53°45'39,7" N., 73°45'43,5" W.) and (53°45'51,4" N., 73°45'31,1" W.) and straight a line joining points (53°45'37,1" N., 73°44'16,2" W.) and (53°45'37,9" N., 73°44'12,8" W.). |
 | Bay unnamed - That part between a straight line joining points 53°44'16.1" N., 73°53'13,9" W. and 53°44'17,9" N., 73°53'16,4" W. and a straight line joining points 53°44'38,4" N., 73°53'55" W. and 53°44'38,9" N., 73°53'53,6" W. |
 | Lake Achan Amikap (53°31'00" N., 77°43'25" W.)  |
 | Lake Atihkumakw (Category II lands of Chisasibi) (54°16'24" N., 77°45'30" W.) |
 | Lake Awahagats (Category II lands of Chisasibi) (54°16'56" N., 77°39'34" W.) |
 | Lake Awisinaukamach (Category II lands of Chisasibi)(54°22'05" N., 77°30'08" W.) |
 | Lake Bison (53°47' N., 75°55' O.)  |
 | Lake Chinusas (52°50' N., 77°10' W.)  |
 | Lake de la Montagne du Pin (53°58'19" N., 75°37'22" W.)  |
 | Lake De la Noue (54°44'59" N., 71°42'55" W.)  |
 | Lake des Merisiers (53°42' N., 76°04' O.)  |
 | Lake des Oeufs (54°32'54" N., 72°27'09" W.)  |
 | Lake des Patriotes (53°49' N., 72°39' O.)  |
 | Lake Desaulniers (53°34'05" N., 77°34'19" W.)  |
 | Lake Duncan except for the following waters: the part of lac Duncan comprised between a point situated 500 m downstream from the mouth of the tributary situated at 53°31' N., 77°57' W. and a point situated 7 km upstream from this tributary (53°34' N., 77°55' W.).  |
 | Lake Duncan the part of lac Duncan comprised between a point situated 500 m downstream from the mouth of the tributary situated at 53°31' N., 77°57' W. and a point situated 7 km upstream from this tributary (53°34' N., 77°55' W.). |
 | Lake Ekomiak (53°22'38" N., 77°30'00" W.)  |
 | Lake Esprit (53°25'52" N., 77°57'33" W.)  |
 | Lake Guyer - (53°31'41" N., 75°09'27" W.) |
 | Lake Hélène the part comprised in a 200 m radius situated downstream from the mouth of rivière au Castor (53°26'13" N., 77°30'19" W.). |
 | Lake Hervé (54°27'23" N., 71°13'47" W.)  |
 | Lake Hiver (54°03' N., 71°57' O.)  |
 | Lake Kachinukamach (53°18'03" N., 77°08'45" W.)  |
 | Lake Kachipinikaw (des Copains) (53°26'43" N., 77°41'49" W.)  |
 | Lake Kachistasakaw (52°35'19" N., 77°17'11" W.)  |
 | Lake Kanipitayapuschuwatach (Category II lands of Chisasibi)(54°27'21" N., 78°46'44" W.) |
 | Lake Kauskatikakanaw (Pine)(54°03'45" N., 75°47'49" W.)  |
 | Lake Kowkatehkakmow (53°27'29" N., 77°26'15" W.)  |
 | Lake Kuskips (Category II lands of Chisasibi)(54°15'37" N., 77°56'31" W.) |
 | Lake Lutrin (53°40' N., 76°04' O.)  |
 | Lake Menarick (53°22'33" N., 77°23'24" W.)  |
 | Lake Michisu apimiskutat (Category II lands of Chisasibi)(54°18'30" N., 77°57'00" W.) |
 | Lake Natisiskan (Category II lands of Chisasibi)(54°32'30" N., 78°50'06" W.) |
 | Lake Natwakami (Nadockmi) (54°18'11" N., 78°32'31" W.) |
 | Lake Nitiwapisunan (Miron) (53°03'24" N., 77°20'57" W.)  |
 | Lake Nochet (53°36' N., 73°45' O.)  |
 | Lake Orsigny (53°43'33" N., 72°35'18" W.)  |
 | Lake Petit lac des Pins (53°55'24" N., 75°44'39" W.)  |
 | Lake Pistinikw (Category II lands of Chisasibi)(54°24'37" N., 78°43'09" W.) |
 | Lake Polaris (53°48'10" N., 72°52'52" W.)  |
 | Lake Roggan (Category II lands of Chisasibi)(54°08'37" N., 77°47'32" W.) |
 | Lake Saint-Joseph (53°50' N., 73°35' W.)  |
 | Lake Sakami (53°15'07" N., 76°45'41" W.)  |
 | Lake Tataskwami (Category II lands of Chisasibi)(54°29'33" N., 79°08'11" W.) |
 | Lake Thomas (53°49' N., 73°32' O.)  |
 | Lake Tilly (53°57'28" N., 73°57'29" W.)  |
 | Lake Unnamed (53°45'39" N., 73°26'57" W.) |
 | Lake Unnamed (53°45'46" N., 73°30'34" W.) |
 | Lake Unnamed (54°07'00" N., 71°40'41" W.) |
 | Lake unnamed (à Jules) (53°29'25" N., 77°16'48" W.)  |
 | Lake unnamed (Category II lands of Chisasibi) (54°02' N., 77°30' W.), (54°02'30" N., 77°30'00" W.), (54°04'00" N., 77°48'30" W.), (54°24' N., 78°51' W.), (54°27' N., 79°02' W.), (54°30' N., 79°12' W.), (54°38'30" N., 79°15'00" W.), (54°40'10" N., 79°15'30" W.), (54°44' N., 79°04' W.). |
 | Lake unnamed (53°36' N., 74°34' W.), (53°25' N., 76°52' W.), (53°44' N., 72°56' W.), (53°47' N., 72°49' W.), (53°48' N., 72°48' W.), (53°50' N., 73°35' W.). |
 | Lake unnamed (53°43'25" N., 72°57'05" W.), (53°43'48" N., 72°57'24" W.), (53°44'20" N., 72°54'30" W.), (53°44'49" N., 73°01'39" W.), (53°53' N., 72°52' W.), (53°54' N., 72°51' W.), (53°56' N., 72°51' W.),(53°57' N., 72°07' W.), (54°02' N., 71°52' W.), (54°03' N., 72°30' W.), (54°05' N., 71°46' W.), (54°08' N., 72°32' W.), (54°13' N., 72°28' W.), (54°15' N., 72°20' W.), (54°18'12" N., 72°44'35" W.).  |
 | Lake unnamed (53°43'47" N., 73°01'11" W.)  |
 | Lake Utaunanis (Mosquito) (53°54'14" N., 77°30'27" W.)  |
 | Lake Wisinawkamaw (52°46'59" N., 77°10'43" W.)  |
 | Lake Yasinski * between a point 450 m downstream of the James Bay road and a point 90 m upstream of this same road. * between a point 500 m downstream of the mouth of the tributary at (53°16' N., 77°26' W.) and a point 1 km upstream of this tributary (53°16' N., 77°25' W.). * Between a point 500 m downstream of the mouth of the tributary at (53°16' N., 77°29' W.) and a point 1 km upstream of this tributary at (53°16' N., 77°30' W.). |
 | Pass Anatwayach - That part between a point situated at (54°03'05" N., 76°06'44" W.) and the falls situated upstream (54°03'05" N., 76°06'24" W.). |
 | Pass Pikwahipanan - That part between a point situated at (53°52'42" N., 76°11'38" W.) and the falls situated upstream (53°52'42" N., 76°11'21" W.) |
 | Reservoir Laforge 1 (54°21'04" N., 72°08'22" W.) |
 | Reservoir LG- 4 (53°54'03" N., 73°15'03" W.) |
 | Reservoir Robert-Bourassa (53°45'00" N., 77°00'00" W.) except for the following waters: Baies : * Amichinatwayasich (de l'Indien), between a point situated at (53°52'18" N., 77°00'22" W.) and the falls situated upstream (53°52'32" N., 76°59'55" W.). * Chapus, all of the bay up to a point situated at (53°32' N., 77°04' W.). Passages: * Anatwayach, between a point situated at (54°03'05" N., 76°06'44" W.) and the falls situated upstream (54°03'05" N., 76°06'24" W.). * Pikwahipanan, between a point situated at (53°52'42" N., 76°11'38" W.) and the falls situated upstream (53°52'42" N., 76°11'21" W.). * Rivière Kanaaupscow, between its mouth (54°14'54" N., 76°11'49" W.) and the falls situated upstream (54°14'50" N., 76°11'11" W.).  |
 | River à l'Eau Claire - That part between its mouth in the Kasikanipiskach lake and its confluence with the Eastmain river. |
 | River au Castor * between a point situated 100 m from the Hydro-Québec power transmission line # 7060-7061 (lac Kowskatechkakmow) (53°28'13"N., 77°23'37"W.), from there upstream to its source in the unnamed lake (53°28'45"N., 77°19'49"W.). * from its mouth in lac Hélène (53°26'13"N., 77°30'19"W.) to a point upstream towards lac Kowskatechkakmow (53°26'09"N., 77°29'27"W.). |
 | River Kanaaupscow - That part between its mouth (54°14'54"N., 76°11'49"W.) and the falls situated upstream (54°14'50"N., 76°11'11"W.). |
 | River Kapsaouis (Category II lands of Chisasibi) - That part between a straight line passing through the point 54°19'00" N., 79°17'50" W. and a straight line passing through the point 54°19'00" N., 79°14'05" W. located 5 km upstream. |
 | River La Grande Rivière - That part between a point situated 1 km downstream of the LG-1 dam and a point situated 1 km upstream of this dam. |
 | River La Grande Rivière - That part between a straight line passing through the point 53°47'53'' N., 72°52'55'' W.) situated 4 km downstream from Polaris bridge on the Transtaïga road and a straight line passing through the point 53°41'55,8'' N., 72°40'05''W. situated 20 km upstream from this bridge. |
 | River La Grande Rivière - That part between Robert Bourassa dam (53°47'09" N., 77°27'07" W.) and a straight line passing through the point 53°44'12" N., 78°09'26" W. (northeastern limit of Category I Lands of Chisasibi). |
 | River Vincelotte (54°10'16" N., 73°13'25" W.)  |