| | |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River - a.1) du Loup (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) from its mouth in Fleuve Saint-Laurent to the downstream side of the Highway 138 bridges. |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River - a.2) Maskinongé (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) from its mouth in Fleuve Saint-Laurent to the downstream side of the Highway 138 bridges. |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River - a.3) Nicolet (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) from its mouth in Fleuve Saint-Laurent to the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges. |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River - a.4) Saint-François (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) from its mouth in Fleuve Saint-Laurent to the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges. |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River - a.5) Yamaska (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) from its mouth in Fleuve Saint-Laurent to the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridges. |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River Saint Laurent (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) a) That part between the western boundary of Area 7 and the downstream side of Laviolette bridge (including lac Saint-Pierre and its archipelago) up to the high water line. |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River Saint Laurent (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) b) Sector Chenal aux Corbeaux sector, between the line linking the southwestern tip of île à la Pierre (46°04'43" N., 73°01'49" W.) to the southwestern tip of île de Grâce (46°04'18" N., 73°02'23" W.) and a line perpendicular to île à la Pierre situated 1 km downstream of its southwestern tip (46°04'57" N., 73°01'35" W.) and joining île de Grâce (46°05'01" N., 73°01'40" W.). |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River Saint Laurent (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) c) Sector Petit barrage sector between île Ronde and île Madame, between a line perpendicular to île Madame (46°04'51" N., 73°05'16" W.) and joining the southwestern tip of île Ronde (46°04'39" N., 73°04'58" W.) and a line perpendicular to île Madame (46°05'27" N., 73°04'39" W.) which passes via the yellow buoy (46°05'24" N., 73°04'31" W.) indicating the presence of the dam and which then joins the northwestern shore of île Ronde (46°05'21" N., 73°04'24" W.). |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River Saint Laurent (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) d) Sector Grand barrage sector between île Ronde and île de Grâce, between a line linking the southwestern tips of île de Grâce (46°04'10" N., 73°03'51" W.) and of île Ronde (46°04'39" N., 73°04'58" W.) and a line perpendicular to île de Grâce (46°04'53" N., 73°03'34" W.) which passes via the yellow buoy (46°05'00" N., 73°03'55" W.) indicating the presence of the dam and which then joins the southeastern shore of île Ronde. (46°05'07" N., 73°04'14" W.). |
 | Communal Wildlife Area du lac Saint-Pierre (see also zone 8) River Saint Laurent (communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) e) Pointe-du-Lac Wildlife Refuge area |
 | Lake Aylmer between the first narrows upstream from Highway 112 bridge situated at point 45°55'07" N., 71°22'41" W., and the point situated at the mouth of rivière Coleraine river, at point 45°56'35" N., 71°22'48" W. |
 | Lake Aylmer between the south side of Highway 112 bridge up to the first narrows upstream, located at point 45°55'07" N., 71°22'41" W.  |
 | Lake de l'Est (Garthby township)  |
 | Lake Joseph (46°12'21" N., 71°32'48" W.)(Inverness township) |
 | Lake Les Trois Lacs (45°48'02" N., 71°53'20" W.)  |
 | Lake William (46°07'17" N., 71°34'13" W.)  |
 | River Batiscan between the Highway 138 bridge and the first pillar formed of rocks (46°33'06" N., 72°22'36" W.), located 6 km downstream of the Saint-Narcisse dam.  |
 | River Batiscan the part between the first pillar made ''of rocks (46°33'06" N., 72°22'36" W.) located 6 km downstream of the dam and Saint-Narcisse (46°33'29" N., 72°24'48" W.).  |
 | River Bécancour - That part between lac William and lac À la Truite (46°05'15'' N., 71°30'57'' W.). |
 | River Bécancour - That part between lac William and lac Joseph. |
 | River Bécancour - That part between route 132 and the railway bridge located 4 km upstream (46°19'44 "N., 72°24'59" W.)  |
 | River Chaudière a) That part between a straight line connecting points 46°44' 30.325" N., 71°16' 39.533" W. and 46°44' 32.269" N., 71° 16'35.749" W. (upstream side of the pylons of the old Garneau bridge) and the upstream side of the Parc des Chutes dam in Lévis (46°42'52.2'' N., 71°16'56.8'' W.)  |
 | River Chaudière b) That part between the upstream side of the Parc des Chutes dam in Lévis (46°42'52.2'' N., 71°16'56.8'' W.) and the southeastern limit of the right-of-way for Route 112 at Vallée-Jonction (46°22'26.18" N., 70°55' 45.05" W.)  |
 | River Coleraine between the point situated at the mouth of Rivière Coleraine, at the point 45°56'35' N., 71°22'48' W., and the second railway bridge upstream situated at the point 45°56'56' N., 71°22'20' W. |
 | River du Chêne between the downstream side of the Highway 226 bridge and the upstream side of the Highway 132 bridge.  |
 | River du Loup between the Highway 138 bridge and the Masson bridge (46°17'49" N., 72°54'43" W.).  |
 | River Maskinongé between the Highway 138 bridge upstream and the dam of the village of Saint-Joseph-de-Maskinongé (46°13'44" N., 73°01'02" W.).  |
 | River Nicolet Centre between its mouth and the downstream side of the Highway 216 bridge at Wotton. |
 | River Nicolet Sud-Ouest between the first bridge downstream of lac Les Trois Lacs, at Shipton, and the downstream side of the Highway 255 bridge at Wotton, with the exception of lac Les Trois Lacs. |
 | River Nicolet - That part between the point 45°54'24'' N., 71°46'39'' W. and the point 45°55'13 '' N., 71°47'16'' W. downstream of the Rang Leclerc bridge, corresponding to sector 4 of Pêche Nicolet (Saint-Rémi-de-Tingwick)  |
 | River Nicolet - That part between the point 45°55'17'' N., 71°47'23'' W., 2.6 km downstream from the rang Leclerc bridge and the point 45°54'17'' N., 71°45'24'' W., 2.6 km upstream from the Rang Leclerc bridge, corresponding to sector 3 of Pêche Nicolet (Saint-Rémi-de-Tingwick and Chesterville)  |
 | River Nicolet - That part between the point 45°56'15" N., 71°47'57" W. and the point 45°56'32" N., 71°47'56" W. (hydroelectric line); That part between the point 45°57'06" N., 71°48'38" W. and the point 45°57'06" N., 71°49'02" W. (F364); That part between the point 45°57'04" N., 71°49'17" W. and the point 45°58'12" N., 71°51'05"W. (Pont de l'accueil), corresponding to sector 5 of Pêche Nicolet (Chesterville)  |
 | River Pot-au-Beurre (baie de Lavallière) - That part of the river and its tributaries bounded to the south by the portion of Route 132 between the Richelieu (46°02'30" N., 73°07'01" W.) and Yamaska (46°00'17" N., 72°54'43" W.), north-west of the St. Lawrence River and on the east by the Yamaska River.  |
 | River Saint Laurent (sector not located in communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) between a line joining a point 50 m downstream of Batiscan wharf on the north shore (46°30'03" N., 72°14'44" W.), and a point situated 50 m downstream of Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets wharf on the south shore (46°30'28" N., 72°12'19" W.) and the downstream side of Laviolette bridge, as well as the parts of the rivers located between highways 132 and 138.  |
 | River Saint Laurent (sector not located in communal wildlife area of lac Saint-Pierre) between the downstream side of Pierre-Laporte bridge and a line joining a point situated 50 m downstream of Batiscan wharf on the north shore (46°30'03" N., 72°14'44" W.), and a point situated 50 m downstream of Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets wharf on the south shore (46°30'28" N., 72°12'19" W.), as well as the parts of rivers situated between highways 132 and 138. * Note : The following rivers are part of fleuve Saint-Laurent: Bélisle and Grand Bras, downstream of the Highway 138 bridge; Cap Rouge, downstream of the Rue Saint-Félix bridge; Jacques-Cartier and Portneuf, downstream of the CN bridge.  |
 | River Saint-Maurice a) between Highway 138 bridge upstream and Poulin point (club de golf Ki-8-EB, 46°23'09" N., 72°36'42" W.).  |
 | River Saint-Maurice b) Between Pointe à Poulin (Golf Club Ki-8-EB, 46°23'09" N., 72° 36'42" W.) and the third transmission line (46°25'58" N., 72° 43'29" W.) located 2.1 km downstream from the La Gabelle dam.  |
 | River Saint-Maurice c) Between La Gabelle dam (46°26'56" N, 72°44'23" W) and the third transmission line (46°25'58" N, 72°43'29" W.) located 2.1 km downstream of the dam.  |